Hi, I am currently trying to create a game that runs a basic thermostat
I have a basic function that that when a GUI button is clicked, it checks the if statement, if thats true, then decreases the ambient temperature by 1 every three seconds
Here is the code of the function…
int Choice;
IEnumerator AC()
int DesiredInt = 65;
int AmbientInt = 78;
int Choice = 0;
if (Choice == 0)
if (AmbientInt > DesiredInt)
yield return new WaitForSeconds(3);
AmbientInt -= 1;
Here is the code I am trying to use to when I click the GUI button, it runs this function
if (GUI.Button(ACRectPercent,"A/C On"))
{ // <--- LINE 75 HERE!
I keep getting an error for the top brace under “AC” that says
“Assets/Scripts/ACon.cs(75,25): error CS1525: Unexpected symbol `{'”
Ive never written anything in C# for Unity, so its been kind of a learning process.
Any help as to why I am getting this error would be greatly appreciated, or any pointer
on how to screw up less would also be appreciated
Please let me know if you need any extra info!