In order to transform an object/local space normal to world space, it must handle differently in order for non-uniform scaling to work correctly. I wrote some possible way to transform object/local space normal to world space normal.
but I have some question about the shader:
worldNormal = normalize(mul(transpose(_World2Object),v.normal));// is wrong
worldNormal = normalize(mul(transpose((float3x3)_World2Object),v.normal)); //is right?
2.what is happening when we call UnityObjectToWorldNormal() from UnityCG.cginc?
Is it just a simplify version of return normalize(mul(v.normal,(float3x3)_World2Object));?
Shader "Test/CalculateWorldNormal"
//enable select different compile shader
[KeywordEnum(Wrong,Custom4x4Wrong,Custom3x3,Custom3x3Fast,Unity)] _Mode("world normal mode", Float) = 0
#pragma vertex vert
#pragma fragment frag
#include "UnityCG.cginc" //for UnityObjectToWorldNormal() only
//enable select different compile shader
struct appdata
float4 vertex : POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
struct v2f
float4 color : COLOR;
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
v2f vert (appdata v)
v2f o;
o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, v.vertex);
float3 worldNormal;
//the way to transform a point can not apply to transforming a normal direction vector!
//normal vector will be wrong if non-uniform scaling , but still correct if only uniform scaling
worldNormal = normalize(mul(_Object2World, v.normal));
//normal NOT correct(darker than correct)
worldNormal = normalize(mul(transpose(_World2Object),v.normal)); // why this is wrong without forcing _World2Object to a (float3x3)? and why mul(float4x4 a,float3 b) will compile?
//same as _MODE_CUSTOM4X4WRONG, but forcing _World2Object to a (float3x3), then it become correct, why?
worldNormal = normalize(mul(transpose((float3x3)_World2Object), v.normal));
//result same as _MODE_CUSTOM, switch the mul() order to eliminate the need of transpose(), so faster?
The following are algebrically equal (if not necessarily numerically equal):
mul(M,v) == mul(v, tranpose(M))
mul(v,M) == mul(tranpose(M), v)
worldNormal = normalize(mul(v.normal,(float3x3)_World2Object));
//the best solution provided by unity, fastest.
//copy from "UnityCG.cginc"
// Transforms normal from object to world space
inline float3 UnityObjectToWorldNormal( in float3 norm )
// Multiply by transposed inverse matrix, actually using transpose() generates badly optimized code
return normalize(_World2Object[0].xyz * norm.x + _World2Object[1].xyz * norm.y + _World2Object[2].xyz * norm.z);
worldNormal = UnityObjectToWorldNormal(v.normal);
//just show world normal as color
o.color.rgb = float4(worldNormal * .5 + .5, 0);
return o;
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
return i.color;