Hello, i start by thanking anyone will help.
So i’m developing a 2d platform like super meatboy.
The goal i want to achieve is that when a player starts falling over an edge, he should fall faster and faster till a limit of gravity (or velocity). At the moment my character have 2 similar gravities, one when you do a full jump (all the way to apex) and one for Jumpcuts. Of course they are the same, but when i start falling the gravity (or velocity) is the always the same.
To understand what i’m saying just watch super meatboy, its very floaty when he jumps in the same position, but whenever it starts falling from a certain height, the char speed is increased.
I think you need to look at what is limiting the effect of gravity.
There is drag and mass, or if you somehow limit the movement it in code.
There is no limit, other than the size of the jump force otherwise.
If you want to turn gravity on/off for certain objects or if you don’t know how you will do in the future, use a ConstantForce2D component on the player, and set it to 0 or other value. I do it like this in my game.
If you have two different sets of gravity and also modify mass or drag, the outcome of a fall will be different speed at different times (probably not linear anyway). If you do not want that, modify only one parameter.