Question about game genre?

Does anyone know whether or not you could make a 3rd person fighting game with the source code? Also could you add like custom animations and code to weild like hand weapons such as swords, knifes etc. without modifying source code. If I am not mistaken you have to modify torque source code to acheive this and don’t know if this is the same in Unity.
I am using the free version so would I have to buy pro to achieve this also.


You can create such a type of game :slight_smile:

though you won’t have source code unless you license the Unity sources (requires business and is mentioned to be priced accordingly). but for a project like this I don’t think you even need them (or could use the tens to hundreds of thousands of lines of C++ code)

In torque you basically need source work for anything as the engine always was designed for source work. Anything else is basically just “modding the fps” sample (in TGEA that was called demo, in T3D its now the T3D license for $100 at the time, but normally $250 / seat)

Ok cool,

Reason I was asking is because I am working on a project where the player has a sword and I have two sword scripts on with the sword in the sheath and the ohter with the sword out and unity is having a hard time trying to decide which to use even though when I call one script the other is disabled, the engine still trys to call those animations so that is why I was asking. Could that be a bug why that is happening?

Thanks dreamora for the reply so fast.

Generally, disabling scripts will only disable the Update, FixedUpdate and Start function. But SendMessage etc will still use the script.

Question though is why you have two scripts.
Its 1 sword so one script should be enough for the sword.
The interaction script on the player itself should be completely independent of the weapon and I would recommend to have a small state machine in there, so you can also handle other input correspondingly (interaction when the weapon is in shaft / packed away, combat when its out) to unify the meanings of the keys and make it more “common user accessable”

Ok cool deal, that is what I have been trying to do but I will work on it let you know my progress.Also I would love to use a stateMachine just wondering if i could the AnimationState as a check function because it doesn’t seem to be working. Like if AniamtionState IdleSword in hand then do this, don’t seem to correspond, any suggestions?

Thanks Dreamora.

How exactly are you using the AnimationState to keep track of the player’s state? Are you switching player states based on the playback position of the animation or detecting when the animation has finished or… ?