Question about hierearchy (scenes, prefabs, gameobjects)

I want to create one stage with two difficulty modes. I have imagined two ways in order to to that:

  1. Creating only one scene, with three “main” GameObjects: the “ground”, the “easy mode enemies”, and the “difficult mode enemies” (so I can activate or unactivate them).
  2. Creating two scenes, using a big prefab as “ground”.

What can you tell me about these two ways of conception?

Thanks! =D

Like all things in unity, there’s a bunch of different ways to do just about everything. Here by creating easy mode and hard mode enemies and disabling one mode or the other will make for a very easy transition from a development standpoint and less requirement for memory and such, but, that said, the scene swap doesn’t require all that much more work from you although it may be a bit more memory taken up by saving the level twice but that’s about it. Although by saving them as two different scenes you do have the option of making more dynamic changes other than the enemies themselves. For example things like player health being lower or more falling damage, or any variety of things like that which require more than a few scripts or changing game mechanics. In general I personally would opt to just create two scenes for the increased flexibility if the game is your traditional level-to-level style. Although enabling and disabling is probably something you’d want for an open world game or something where you wouldn’t want the level to be restarted when you changed the difficulty.