Question About Revenue Constraints

My question is this: If I have the basic personal Unity plan, (which limits Game revenue to 100k) if I made more than that on a Kickstarter page for my game, would that count as revenue made off of the game? Because it is not technically made off the game it is made off of the idea of the game. This is all theoretical by the way. I have not published any games yet. I just want to be sure for the future.

Sorry but we are game developers and now lawyers. Questions like that should be directed towards Unity’s sales team and not the UA community.

Though I would say if your kickstarter campain is about your game it would count as revenue. Note that the revenue limits are not really constraints. Once you made more than 100k in the last year you are no longer allowed to use the personal version. If that happens you have two options:

  • If you want to continue using the Unity Editor you have to get a plus or pro subscription as you can no longer use the personal version
  • Your second option is to stop using the Unity Editor. The license you gained is an editor license. The game you made with the personal edition can be sold for millions without purchasing plus or pro as long as you don’t use the Unity editor anymore once you passed the 100k.

Of course the second case is very unlikely. You usually have to provide updates to your already published game from time to time which requires a valid Unity Editor license. However if you really made more than 100k in one year there should be no issue paying for a plus or pro subscription.

Once again, this is not a legal advice. We do not work for Unity and the licensing rules may have changed by the time you read this. Again if you want a clear answer to such questions, contact the sales team. You may add a link in your request to this question here so a Unity staff member may post a more clear answer here as well. If you get any feedback from the sales team it would be great if you share the results with the community (if allowed by Unity).