Question about script for minecraft-like terrain generation

So I have this script for terrain generation like minecraft, but when I attach the script to a cube and press generate when running, it takes a couple of seconds for the terrain to load in. That is fine for me, but it creates the whole terrain at the same time. How can I code it so then it like creates line per line or block per block, but at a constant speed, because I don’t want to wait like 30 seconds for a 500 by 500 terrain to generate, I want to see it creating the terrain piece by piece. I know I need to change the for loop in the script somehow. Here is the script, TYVM!

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Blocks : MonoBehaviour
	//Public variable for the size of the terrain, width and heigth
	public Vector2 TerrainSize = new Vector2( 50 , 50 );
	//Height multiplies the final noise output
	public float HeightOfTerrain = 10.0f;
	//This divides the noise frequency
	//Higher is Flatter
	public float NoiseSize = 10.0f;
	private GameObject root;
	void OnGUI ()
		//Make a button that calls generate function when you press it
		//(left, top, width, height), "name"
		if(GUI.Button( new Rect( 10, 10, 100, 30 ), "Generate" ))
			//Call the generate function
	//Function that inputs the position and spits out a float value based on the perlin noise
	public float PerlinNoise(float x, float y)
		//Generate a value from the given position, position is divided to make the noise more frequent.
		float noise = Mathf.PerlinNoise( x / NoiseSize, y / NoiseSize );
		//Return the noise value
		return noise * HeightOfTerrain;;
	//Generates the terrain
	void Generate ()
		//Destroy the current terrain if there is one

		//Create a new empty gameobject that will store all the objects spawned for extra neatness
		root = new GameObject("Terrain");

		//Put the root object at the center of the boxes
		root.transform.position = new Vector3( TerrainSize.x/2, 0, TerrainSize.y/2 );

		//For loop for x-axis (width)
		for(int i = 0; i <= TerrainSize.x; i++)
			//For loop for z-axis (length)
			for(int p = 0; p <= TerrainSize.y; p++)
				GameObject box = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube);
				box.transform.position = new Vector3( i, PerlinNoise( i, p ), p);
				box.transform.parent = root.transform;


		//Move the root at the origin.
		root.transform.position =;

The way Minecraft-like terrain generation works is as follows:

  • MC-like terrain is made up of individual chunks, for example MC uses chunks that are 16x128x16 (with each chunk also divided into sub-chunks)
  • each chunk’s mesh can have up to ~65k vertices
  • A three-dimensional array is filled with data concerning the type of block at this xyz position
  • for each coordinate in that array, up to six faces are generated depending on wether there are neighboring blocks
  • each face is made up of four certices
  • once all faces, and thus blocks, are creates, the resulting mesh is applied to the chunk’s mesh component, and often to it’s meshcollider component as well.

There a loads of exmaple scripts and tutorials available, and I also recommend digging through the treasure trove that is the After playing minecraft… thread on the Unity forums.

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