After watch 3 Udemy course and messing around with Unity, I decided to get my hands dirt with my 1st real project. No, it’s not a platformer More like NES Dragon Warrior 1 / Final Fantasy 1 project with a smaller scope at first.
I am currently documenting / detailing various aspect of the project and I am unsure how to approach the player states. I read about it and watch some YT videos, but one thing I am not sure about and didn’t read much about, is how to have 2 StateMachine interacting with each others or if it even make sense.
For example
StateMachine PlayerIdleState : A simple idle animation state PlayerMoveState : Move animation and top/right/down/left flip PlayerInteractState : When interacting with NPC, bring the interaction UI, etc. PlayerBattleState : Switch to BattleStateMachine
BattleStateMachine BattleInitState : Setup Battle UI, enemy, calculate who goes 1st, etc. BattlePlayerTurnState : Player’s turn BattleEnemyTurnState : Enemy’s turn BattlePlayerWinState : Player win BattlePlayerLooseState : Player lost - back to main menu
Once the player wins, it would go back to PlayerIdleState.
I am not sure how different state handler can interact with each others or if it’s even a good idea but I was thinking it might be cleaner than having 1 state machine with all the possible states.
I’m definitely a fan of using enums, as a matter of fact, the project I just started has a small example:
public enum GameState
public GameState gameState;
public enum SelectState
public SelectState selectState;
And to add, for more performance(less frame checking) you can add another enum reference, to be a “last” check:
public enum SelectState
public SelectState selectState;
public SelectState selectLastState;
for occasions that can sometimes help with calling something only once.
So after that, it’s just up to you how to control your “if” statements. Another trick, is when code starts to “speghetti” is you can make your own bools:
if (AllisWell()) { stuff(); }
private bool AllisWell()
if (gameState != GameState.Menu) { return false;}
if (playerState == PlayerState.PlayerTurn) { return true; }
// etc...
return false;
All depends on how you feel comfortable keeping track of what’s doing what. Because most importantly, understanding your code is rule#1!
It would certainly be cleaner keeping them separate. Why do you need the two state machines to “interact with each other,” though? It seems like during the battle, you just flip the battle state machine on and let it do it’s thing. There’s really not much interaction going on so it shouldn’t be difficult to coordinate this.