i have a question about the System Requirements for Unity3d, i am a windows PC user and i have now a MAC
is this ok for use unity3d or is the MAC to old for working with the unity software.
- PowerMac G4 AGP 450 MHz (grey)
- 832 MB Ram
- 40 GB Harddisk
- ZIP Drive (100MB)
- ATI rage 128 pro Graficcard
- Formac SCSI ProRaid Card
- Ethernet 10/100 MBit/s
- 2x USB 2.0
- 2x Firewire 400
- Audio IN/OUT
- OSX 10.4 (Tiger)
Technically that should work, but it will be pretty slow and the graphics are very limited. Assuming the goal is to spend as little as possible, I think you’d be a lot better off with a Mac Mini.
450MHz makes the machine around … 7-9 years old. Would you want to use a seven year old PC for anything more advanced than … editing text? Macs age a little slower than PCs, but not THAT much slower.
I used to do Unity development on a 1.2GHz G4 iBook with 1.25GB RAM – that worked pretty well. I’d suggest anything much slower than that would be hard to stomach.
Yeah… that is really pushing it. I use an 800 mhz G4 and while it does ok its GPU really bites and so I do not benefit much from Unity’s WYSWYG editor.
ok i have found a other Mac
iMac G5 2,0GHz
1GB Ram
ATI Radeon 9600 128MB
is this ok for Unity3d?
I’m running a G5 Dual 2GHz, AGP 8x with a 6800DL Ultra and the results on the trial were encouraging, though I have yet to try the pro… EBay find for less than £500 (yes I know you can get a very hi-spec PC for a little more) but I actually have become somewhat of a convert since… I tried an almost exact spec to your initial suggestion of the G4 with ATI Rage Pro and to be honest it will put you off, I’m no Mac expert but I would say my Mac was the lowest spec I would want to get the correct impression of Unity with with perhaps the with the exception of possibly a slightly lower spec’ gfx card?
Intel Macs are so much faster than G5s, it’s ridiculous. I’d really suggest trying to get your hands on an aluminum iMac. 20" ones are going for £650 from Apple (refurbished), and so I’m sure you can find cheaper ones elsewhere.
thanks , yes i look every day on ebay for an imac with c2duo^^ and yes i buy a imac core2duo^^ but is a ATI pro 128mb on imac 20" ok for unity? i had see other imacs with nvidia8800GS but to expensive for me
Hi, i having a problem
I use original Windows 7 (not SP1)
Can unity 4 runs in Win7?
Sorry for OOT