Question about the LevelPlay FAQ that was posted yesterday.

Just with regard to the LevelPlay FAQ that was posted yesterday, particularly this point
I got a message saying my account was not approved. How can I use LevelPlay mediation?

You can start monetizing your app through LevelPlay mediation right away. The message you received about your account was only relevant to the ironSource Network - not Unity LevelPlay.

Is this level play ?

Or is this levelplay?

I dont see a title on either of these screens that say Levelplay and I thought I couldn’t monetize my ads until I completed the ironsource registration by emailing them my bank details? I assumed the ironsource screen above is Levelplay?

I dont have the option to create waterfalls on the Ironsource ui and according to the video on there website I should be able to, so I’m confused as to the relationship between these screens?

Which of these UIs do I use to control my ads?

Hi @jpom001 ,

To clarify. Unity LevelPLay is the overall mediation solution previously known as IronSource LevelPlay.
You only need to be approved for monetization if you intend to use the IronSource ad network, which is separate from, but can be used with, LevelPlay mediation.
When using Mediation you have the overall mediator, in this case LevelPlay, and you have your ad networks. You use the LevelPLay dashboard to manage your ad network configurations, and then use each individual Ad Network’s dashboards to handle placement configs and monetary matters. So, the UI in the top image is LevelPlay, and the bottom UI is Unity Ads.
I understand that this may be confusing because at this time the branding has not been consolidated, but I assure you we are working on making this clearer.

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I have added a unity ads via the network sdks section. My ironsource test ads were working before. How do I make unity ads appear in my app. I have turned them on via

Am I supposed to go to unity ads and do something there to use ads from unity?

The reason Im asking is becasue from what I understand I have to use ironsource mediation, but in this instance I am not verified for Ironsource ads.
So on LevelPlay Ive enabled Unity ads, but I am not seeing them on my device that is live on the playstore.