Question About UDP Functionality

A few times ago, I was excited about distributing my game using UDP, but now I have a lot of problems and questions.
When I build my game with the UDP platform on my UnityIAP settings, everything seems right, but I just need to upload it to the platform for problems.

  • Apptutti sais my game is corrupted.
  • Mi GetApps in addition to needing suffix, when I test my app on an emulator, it crashes suddenly.
  • QooApp sais that it has a connecting problem, but I tested it and all works fine on an emulator.

In Mi GetApps is needed to override IAP productId to make it works, or if I don’t use any external services (only UnityAds and UnityIAP) I can ignore the warning?

Seems like there are a few issues we need to look into. It is better for you to email and we can following up from there. Thanks.