Hello , i’m new at game engine.
I’ve played many games that i bought on steam. so it is a little bit weird to always playing games that made by someone , in my opinion. So that is why i want to make my own game. I choose Unity because people on the internet said unity is the easy one to make a game. that’s make me interest.
Before i start to make my game , I want to ask a questions.
I found a free edition of Unity and the Pro one. so if i use the free edition , can i use it to make a game and sell it? Or i have to buy the pro version to sell the game
What is the difference between Pro and Free Edition ?
All games have their game files like .exe to launch the game and the other file format like .dat , , .forge , And more. In unity , can i make like that too?
Sorry for my english if there’s anything wrong because english is not my native language