Question Local Translation PRoblem

I have a spawn point that is a child of a Player. When I instantiate the obj to the location of the spawn point. but if the player moves, the spawn point isn't moving with it? why not?

I made the spawn point a child infront of the player. So that the item will spawn right infront of the player even if the player rotates around. The point should be in front.

bullet.transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * Time.deltaTime * 20, Space.Self);

It seems you don't instantiate the new object at the position of the spawn point or the player. post the rest of your spawn code if you wan't some better feedback, in this case I can't see what the problem is based on that single line of code you have provided.

It had something to do with the pivot point. My cousin who gave me the model the pivot was off centered. So make sure the pivot is set correctly.