Question: Making App Loading Time Shorter?

Hey you guys!

I’m working on a simple kids game for iOS, and somehow it takes 12 seconds for the game to load from splash screen to the actual first scene (on iPad 2/3, iPad 4 is 8 sec. - still too long)

I guess that’s because I have 27 scenes in this game and each scene weigh about 15 Mb.

do you know of any way or a trick to make the game load faster? (even in the cost of loading scenes later)

am I doing something wrong?

Are you loading a lot of content from the beginning of the game or is it
just splash scene to first scene ?

I load a lobby, that only contains background and 26 UI buttons. It’s pretty much like a splash scene, just a little heavier.

one important detail: When I had only 9 scenes in the game, loading time was about 4-5 secs

Can you show the scene loading code here ?
From what I recall, ipad1 loading times were pretty high, but
if the scenes are not that heavy, ipad2/3 should load pretty
You can even check it in the Unity Editor Heirarchy view if perchance
you are loading something that is not necessary…or something that
is loaded only at runtime and not in Editor ?

Have you tried loading only a basic menu screen, then using LoadLevelAsync?

The loading time will be the same, but it will be obscured by your menu screen. Only if the player does hits play before you are done loading do you need to stop and load.

isn’t there any chance that unity loads other scenes when I only load the app? it sounds unlikely but there is a fact that when I had less scenes, the first scene loaded faster.

@Kiwasi , yeah I know LoadLevelAsync behavior, but that’s not the case here:(

let me try to simplify my explanation.
I load only the first (and light) scene. it takes 12 secs to show the first scene.
I load only the first (and light) scene. it takes 4 secs to show the first scene.


ha…Can you show your scene loading code ?
Unless, we have more data, its shooting in the dark for us.

unfortunately I can’t upload the code (company’s policy)

do you know something about UI making things slower?
My colleague says that when he added Unity UI to his project, things got slower.

another question,
Does total app size influence loading time?

9 scenes x 3 = 27 scenes,
4 seconds * 3 = 12 seconds,

We don’t ask you for your project, we ask you for your scene loading code. If your company’s policies don’t allow that, sad for them.

OK, that’s what made me post that question. It sounds awkward that I don’t even load those scenes and yet they affect the first scene loading time. what brings me to the previous question - Does total app size influence loading time? It sounds crazy. I don’t even try to load the remaining 26 scenes.

I don’t think so. Are you using LoadLevelAdditive ?

ummm nope

Modes the profiler give you any clues? Maybe you have some weird long loops in the awake or start function of each button? That could explain why extra scenes is a problem.

But honestly without code we are just guessing. It’s probably not a unity related issue.

Yeah, you can post just part of the codes. We are not here to steal :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve found the problem!
it was all about the UI buttons!

When I took them off the first scene, it loaded much faster!

do you know something about this problem? its 6 seconds less we’re talking about

The UI has some performance issues, but 6 seconds… You must do something wrong. I have a hundred elements in my UI and it loads really fast.