[Question] .NET Plugins

Hi all, I’m hoping one of you can help me with the following. On the wiki I read:

Now this is exactly what I want, and I am sure that a lot of you have allready used this.

So I have 2 questions:

  1. How? How do I add my dll to my project?

  2. What does my code look like? Do I need to import the dll’s namespace?

Thanks a lot in advance if you can help me here.

Oh, and the reason I need it is so that I can develop my components separately on a pc (along with simple testapps).

For add assemblies to your game code:

  1. If you want to add a DLL to your Unity project you need just to put it under the Assets directory.

  2. Yes. Usually you import your Dll’s namespace and just start using the classes that are inside the assembly.

You can even compile your assembly with Visual Studio from Windows and just put that dll in the Unity project (you don’t usually need to recompile it with Mono).