Hello everyone, recently I was prototyping a level and saw this: Example of Issue (note how the rectangles seemingly change angles). So I’ve been looking into the concepts of FOV and Perspective Distortion as it relates to 3D rendering.
If I’m understanding what I’ve read so far correctly on reducing Perspective Distortion, my effective options are:
Change the FOV, and if it is too overbearing, hope that you can change the camera’s position to offset the FOV change.
Write some sort of post processing script that helps correct the distortion.
Keep player closer to objects, make sure no ‘long hallway convergence’ scenarios occur.
Live with it.
I was trying to find some example of this in another game that has wide open spaces (in this case Planet Side 2), and took the pictures attached to this post. I really never noticed it before despite how strong the effect is, do most games that face this type of issue just ‘live with it’? Or do they try to implement some sort of countermeasure(s)?
Any feedback is appreciated, thank you for reading.