Question on stability on LTS versions

What link, specifically, did you mean?

As far as deciding whether to switch to a different Unity version, I usually try to do that right away if the release has some functionality I want. I’ll tentative upgrade the Unity version, and then test for problems. If I find any show-stoppers, I’ll report the bug, then revert the upgrade and continue on the old version until all the critical bugs in the new version are fixed.

While I’m waiting for the bug fix(es), I keep an eye on the following two threads:

I “watch” those to threads to get notified of new releases, then I look at the patch notes each time. If the patch notes indicate that the bug I’m waiting on has been fixed, I’ll do the tentative upgrade again and give it another try. it’s a bit of a process depending on how many bugs there are and how significant they are to me. The patch notes can definitely be technical, but usually the fixes list the issue tracking number of the bug I’m waiting for, so it’s pretty easy to determine if something has been fixed.