Hi all. I have a noob question I believe which i cant get my mind around and it would be great if someone could answer. I tried to ask in Blender forums but I dont really think i got the answer, or they didnt get the question, so i thought it was best to ask in a game engine forum.
I have used many game engines to create custom levels for halflife, cod, mohaa, max payne etc etc.
In a game engine like the above games sdks…you can create tarrain, walls, floors, rooms, buildings with the game engine meshes. At no time do you UV them. You simply select a texture then place it on the mesh in the game engine. Simple. However all those mesh faces will add up and without UV wouldnt this cause high draw call and optimization issues?
In blender you create an asset (character, prop etc etc) it has to be UV so the mesh has one texture on it and so the engine only needs to read one texture not many textures on all the poly faces if not UV.
So question is…why do you have to UV map in a model editor to export it into a game engine if you dont have to UV map the tarrain, walls, floors, buildings you create in the game engine itself?
Second question is, if i create a building/room in blender and export it into a game engine like unity/UE do i have to UV that building/room or can i just create the building/house/room etc in blender and either texture it in blender or game engine and not have to UV it?
So when you all create levels…do you UV the level or not?
Do you just UV the characters and props or do you UV it all?
Just confused as i created levels in game engines with HL2, cod, mohaa, max payne editors in the past and never had to UV the levels i created and played the levels fine…yes the assets/props were already made and were from a model editor and would have been UV but not the level itself.
Hope this makes sense and you can support in the questions. Thank you all soo much. Sorry for a noob question haha.