In that script you’re actually turning it on. In any case, first one is better.
And you’re doing a few things wrong to start with:
You shouldn’t write variables with a capital first letter. So “Bullet” should be “bullet”, and “SpawnPoint” should be “spawnPoint”.
Don’t load them from resource, is way slower, instead store the object in a variable, drag and drop it into the inspector, and instantiate it from the variable.
I don’t think you need the “return” line.
You should watch some getting started tutorials, start with Unity’s official ones.
No its not. You can see that in 99.95% of scripts you encounter. Class names should be first letter capital, and variables first letter lower case. Its general guidelines and allows consistency among code and between developers, while avoiding problems. Take a look at the Unity’s scripting reference page for instance. Its all lower case for variables. Unless you’re saying people who made Unity are doing it all wrong.
Meh, I stand corrected by Microsoft. However, I tend to see a lot more people suggest otherwise. Even the entire documentation of c# uses other conventions.
However, anyone can use either. Sorry to get off topic.