I currently have a game with a spaceship building system that resembles Minecraft’s block placing. All connected objects are placed under one root “Ship” game object. the problem I am running into is that, to access raycast hit data about a child game object that child must have a rigidbody(I set it to kinematic). this however seems to not let the root object use child colliders resulting in it phasing through other colliders.
I run into other issues when rigidbodys are removed from the children so I would like to keep them but if that’s not possible any advice would be great!
Rigidbodies are not required to get information about hits, a collider is enough. You get access to the Transform
of an object hit through the RaycastHit
, the Transform
gives you access to all children.
Physics.Raycast - “Returns true if the ray intersects with a Collider, otherwise false.”
Transform.GetChild - “Returns a transform child by index.”
RaycastHit.transform - “The Transform of the [rigidbody or] collider that was hit.”
//RaycastHit hit
GameObject child = hit.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; //first child of the gameobject hit
Transform childTransform = hit.transform.GetChild(0); //transform if the first child of the gameobject hit