- Description
- Main graph calls the Sub graph.
- Two variables are registered in each graph BB, and only one of them has the Shared option enabled.
- Both Main and Sub graph BB have the same Shared BB asset registered.
- Green Shared cell means the Shared option is enabled.
- Two AI characters (BA1 and BA2) use the same Main and Sub graphs.
- Questions
- If I assign a value A to EVariable2 in the Main graph of BA1, will the Main graph of BA2 also reference the value A of EVariable2 assigned in BA1?
- If I assign a value A to SVariable1 in the Main graph of BA1, will the Sub graph of BA1 also reference the value A of SVariable1 assigned in the Main graph?
- If I assign a value A to SVariable2 in the Main graph of BA1, will the Main/Sub graph of BA2 also reference the SVariable2 value A assigned in BA1?
- Will the features that are currently not working properly be resolved in version 1.0.7?