Questions about Blackboard variable options

  • Description
  1. Main graph calls the Sub graph.
  2. Two variables are registered in each graph BB, and only one of them has the Shared option enabled.
  3. Both Main and Sub graph BB have the same Shared BB asset registered.
  4. Green Shared cell means the Shared option is enabled.
  5. Two AI characters (BA1 and BA2) use the same Main and Sub graphs.
  • Questions
  1. If I assign a value A to EVariable2 in the Main graph of BA1, will the Main graph of BA2 also reference the value A of EVariable2 assigned in BA1?
  2. If I assign a value A to SVariable1 in the Main graph of BA1, will the Sub graph of BA1 also reference the value A of SVariable1 assigned in the Main graph?
  3. If I assign a value A to SVariable2 in the Main graph of BA1, will the Main/Sub graph of BA2 also reference the SVariable2 value A assigned in BA1?
  4. Will the features that are currently not working properly be resolved in version 1.0.7?