Hi to all, i am always been insterested in videogame and as a developer i decided to learn how to create one. I decided to start during the 2020 pandemic but i started with a too big project that i gave up. Now i decided to retry with the main focus on learn instead of create my drem game.
As a solo developer i write scripts and create 3d models. I learned to use Blender with my first game but some optimization questions pop up in my mind for optimize 3d models. I have searched online but i didn’t find answer to my questions.
My questions are:
1.1 - What affects the performance of a 3d model?
As i know the performace is better with low vertex count and low draw call (textures).
1.2 - There are other things? For example one thing that pop in my mind is the texture size.
1.3 - So If i need to make a list from the most important thing to optimize to the less which will be the order?
As i know triangles and ngos are bad because they can cause problems on render, can cause errors on smooth and can create deformations.
2.1 - Is better to add useless vertices (increase the vertex count) or a triangle/ngos?
3.1 - If i wanna extrude a cube is better to add edge loops and extrude or cut and extrude? Because with edge loop i will increase a lot the vertex count.
Using the attached images as an example starting from img1 is better img2 where i add 4 edge loops or img 3 where i cut the face?
4.1 - For big mesh like an house is better to subdivide it in multiple meshes or to have 1 single big mesh?
With multiple meshes i have more draw calls but the textures can have more details and are smaller. With 1 big mesh i have less details (i can create a big atlas like 8k image but it takes a lot of time to bake) but less draw calls.
For example in when i developed my first game i made houses with objects inside for have 1 single mesh and reduce the draw call (i was dumb, i could make them separate and merge in a single object later)
5.1 - When use atlas texture and when use single textures? For example for an house is better to use a big atlas like a 4k image, use more atlas like 1k images or use all different images for every material?
Sometime the idea of buy a graphic tablet pop in my mind but i have never undestand how it could be useful as for use it you need to add a lot of vertex and after reduce it (using the decimate tool).
6.1 - I think using it the model is not optimized right?
6.2 - In which case a graphic tablet is useful?
I put the numbers for let your answer better.
Sorry if there are errors, i’m learning english and it’s 3 AM.
If you have a tutorial, a book, a guide or something that can help me answer those questions and learn how to optimize a 3d model feel free to link them.
Thanks for your help and for your time