I wrote you a big long answer that would do the job. Then my internet cut out when I hit post. Rather then rewrite it I’ll sum it up here.
For the large number precision
Use int64, twice as many bits, twice as much data
Build a custom struct
Chain multiple int64 together. Each represents 18 digits of your number
Implement the + and subtract operators on your struct. Adding is int64 by int64, but you have to watch for overflow and add 1 to the next int64 up the chain. Subtraction is the opposite.
For display purposes
Override the ToString method of your struct
Find the first int64 with a non zero value
Calculate the log1000 to work out how which prefix index to use. Add an extra 9 for each int64 going down the chain
Implement a static array to grab the prefixes out of, based on the index calculated above
Round the int64 down to the first 3 digits or so
Convert the value to a string (put commas in if you like), attach the prefix and return
Good luck implementing all that. But its the best way to do your job. If I get really bored I might come back and write the struct again. But I have no use for it in my current project.
Edit: Some code. Apparently its a slow night tonight
public struct intchain {
int64 a;
int64 b;
// Probably want this bigger then 3
private static string[] prefixes = new string[3]{"","kilo", "mega"};
public intchain (int a, int b){
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
public static intchain operator + (intchain a, intchain b){
if (a.a + b.b >= Mathf.pow(10,18){
return new intchain (a.a + b.a + 1, a.b + b.b);
return new intchain (a.a + b.a, a.b + b.b);
// Implement subtraction here. Same principle
public override string ToString (){
int prefix = 0;
int value = 0
if (a==0){
prefix = (int)Mathf.Log(int32,b);
value = (int)(b/Mathf.pow(1000,prefix-1);
} else {
prefix = (int)Mathf.Log(int32,a);
value = (int)(a/Mathf.pow(1000,prefix-1);
prefix += 9;
// You could format value here as in some of the other answers if you like.
return value.ToString() + prefixes[prefix];
Plus my usual warning about not ever having compiled this, or even done a thorough check for typos. Not sure how well Mathf will take to being handed int64 either. If that doesn’t work then you can use multiple int (ie int32).
I assume you are familiar enough with using documentation to figure out what everything does. If not ask, I’ll try help out.
This I do by formating the string I display in the screen I cannot access my code now but it was something like this - > .ToString(“#,##0.00”) . Will update later. When any problems google c# thousand comma separator.
I would do is by simple if statement adding as many ifs you need
I believe its like trying to put 2 liters of water into 1 litre bottle. You simply cannot do that. Use long, or if your number gets really long varchar (keep it in text format if you dont do too many aritmetical operations on the number) or finally check the BigInteger structure from System.numerics library.
[This][1] is a really great place to start as far as formatting the numbers as strings is concerned.
For the issue of storing really big numbers (and to a lesser extent, dealing with kilo, mega, giga, etc.), You could use an int for each order of magnitude. So you could have
int bytes; // just using bytes as an example.
int kilo;
int mega;
int giga;
public void Update()
bytes += 1; // or however you're increasing
if(bytes >= 999)
bytes = 0;
kilo += 1;
if(kilo >= 999)
kilo = 0;
mega += 1;
// etc...
You could get even more clever with it if you did something like the following:
public int[] currency = new int[6];
public void IncrementCurrency()
currency[0] += 1;
for(int i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
if(currency *>= 999)*
{ currency = 0; currency[i + 1] += 1; } } } Obviously there are improvements that could be made around increasing currency by more than one each time, and making sure they remainder carries over after the shift up in magnitude.
_*[1]: Microsoft Learn: Build skills that open doors in your career
You need a variable that holds (holder) the whole integer.
increase it however you like and update whenever needed.
holder += 1;
kilo = (holder %1000);
mega = (holder/1000) %1000;
giga = (holder/1000000)%1000;
%1000 means it will never be higher than 1000 and if it is, it goes back to 0.
If you spend something spend it from holder and all values will be updated.
Put this into a label or such and see what happends, then go and format that.
GUI.Label (new Rect (0,0,200,50), giga.ToString() + " . " + mega.ToString() + " . " + kilo.ToString());
//highest first - not formatted yet