I have found this forum post about reading an xml file http://forum.unity3d.com/viewtopic.php?t=19252&highlight=xml , but I was wondering whether there is a library for unity out of the box. Moreover, TextAsset reads a file but how can I write a file from Unity Web Player into the user local file system or write the file and upload it to a database? Although I could get away with writing into a database by using the WWW class.
Ok I saw from a post that we cannot write a file and thats period. Until now I was using a database so thats how we will go. I wanted to write to a file some preferences based on users selections but not by using the PlayerRefs. In other words only with WWW calls to a database, in my case I am using WWW to call a php file to which I am paasing parameters and get back a response. Works fine but I wanted a file write. Sigh, we can’t have everything…
You can write to a remote file but you need to use PHP for that.
You certainly can read and write to an XML file, but not from the WebPlayer. PlayerPrefs certainly would be the easiest way to store data regardless of platform, but you’ve already said you want to avoid that. Security restrictions are going to keep you from writing any files from the web player-- although, ironically, exposing your PHP/SQL application to work with Unity is a bit of security risk in itself!
Out of curiosity, why don’t you want to use PlayerPrefs to store the preferences?