Questions regarding book Unity Multiplayer Games from Alan R. Stanger

Add here questions or corrections regarding the book:

Unity Multiplayer Games
Build engaging, fully functional, multiplayer games with
Unity engine

from: Alan R. Stagner

Excellent book and is in my need to have list.

My question is :

At page 50, where i need to add “ConnectToGame” code to and how?

If i make a new empty game object and add this code, it gives me error
“Assets/Scripts/Network/PongGameConetion/ConnectToGame.cs(44,17): error CS0103: The name `NetworkLevelLoader’ does not exist in the current context”


At page 31: in the file code 23280T_01_10 at line number 19 need to add " ; " at the end of the line.

You can use this: Submit Errata

Thanks Nastasache, I successfully submitted the error.

I has problem setting up the master server:

I do not have Visual Studio Express to compile Unity3D MasterServer
I wish not to install it.
Is there a way or a link to get the MasterServer.exe ?

At page 41
What is this “the panel component attached to the Paddle” ?

" …add a Network View to one of your paddles, drag the panel component attached to the Paddle into the Observed slot,…"

Finally i drag " the panel " Paddle (Script) into the Network View Observed slot

another question about this book :
in page 39 we have a class which called “RequireNetwork”.

where should i attach this class?

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

using PlayerIOClient;

public class ConnectToPlayerIO : MonoBehaviour
    public bool UseDevServer = true;
    Client client;
    void Start()
        PlayerIO.UnityInit( this );
        PlayerIO.Connect( "chat-9vc2ka3twucxfbshbezc7q", "public", "Guest", null, null,
                         delegate( Client c )
            // connected successfully
            client = c;
            Debug.Log( "Connected" );
            // if we're using the dev server, connect to the local IP
            if( UseDevServer )
                client.Multiplayer.DevelopmentServer = new ServerEndpoint( "", 8184 );
        delegate( PlayerIOError error )
            // did not connect successfully
            Debug.Log( error.Message );
        } );
    void GetRoomList()
        // get a list of all rooms with the given room type and search criteria (null = all rooms)
        client.Multiplayer.ListRooms( "SomeRoomType", null, 0, 0,
                                     delegate( RoomInfo[] rooms )
            Debug.Log( "Found rooms: " + rooms.Length );
        delegate( PlayerIOError error )
            Debug.Log( error.Message );
        } );

I have a question about this book.

On page 130, the author creates a script to use Player.IO. The problem is that when it plays, I get this problem:
Assets/Scripts/ConnectToPlayerIO.cs(17,34): error CS1660: Cannot convert anonymous method' to non-delegate type string[ ]’

This refers to delegate (Client c) after the Player.IO.Connect.