- Is there a way for the user to patch a web stream published .unity3d file or he/she must re-download the file again from my web server? Maybe download a smaller .unity3d file which patches the first.
- Ogg videos that are streaming inside Unity are choppy or losing frames which makes the audio and video seem unsynchronized. Of course if I embed the video with unity this doesn’t happen.
No, you can’t “patch” just part of a *.unity3d file, you post a whole new one and then the user downloads it. If you want to break things up a bit and you’re using Unity Pro then you should look at AssetBundles, these are smaller elements and you can update a few AssetBundles (those that need an update for example) and thus only trigger a new download of those elements and not the whole file.
When you embed the video it doesn’t stream on playback, the whole asset (and all other assets in that level) first download to the local machine and then playback begins. When you use them external they are streamed on demand and on the fly. If you have an example case that always gets out of synch then post that up and perhaps log a bug so we can take a look at it and make sure we keep improving our video playback performance/behavior.