Queued animations

Is there a way to queue animations based on button presses?
Example: the a button plays anim1 while the b button plays anim2.
So if I make this combination (a,a,b,a) then the animations while play accordingly one after the other in that exact sequence.

You could use a coroutine, paired with a check to see if anim1 has finished playing, before playing anim2. Here’s a simple example:

public Animator Animator;

IEnumerator QueueAnimation(string thisClipName, string nextClipName)

        // Wait till it's finished
        while (Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName(thisClipName))
            yield return null;


When the coroutine is started, for example like: StartCoroutine("Anim1", "Anim2");, the first animation clip is played, then the second, after the first has finished. You can convert this into a continuous method that loops through a list of strings as such:

    public Animator Animator;

    public List<string> QueuedClips;

    IEnumerator PlayQueuedAnimations(int index)
        // Exit once all queued clips have been played
        if (QueuedClips.Count <= index)
            yield break;

        string thisClipName = QueuedClips[index];


        // Wait till it's finished
        while (Animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName(thisClipName))
            yield return null;

        StartCoroutine(PlayQueuedAnimations(index + 1));

Hope that’s clear @Mrroundtree22

I dont understant how it work because of " while & this" what does it means ? i’m so confuse