Quick introduction to Sequences video in case useful

Hi, just sharing a short video on how I am using the new Unity Sequences package. (I have described in other threads in these forums before sometimes, but this is a quick video showing what I did.) Briefly introduces sequences, then goes off track and shows how I have adapted them for my personal workflow. Quick and dirty video, but sharing in case useful to anyone else to get a bit of a feel of how to use them.

I also include a script that I use instead of Sequence Assembly to add things to timelines (because I don’t like timelines per character - I want timelines per shot).

Code I use instead of “Sequence Assembly” and “Asset Collections”: MyAssemblyWindow.cs · GitHub

I forgot to mention the Timeline lock icon in top right corner of Timeline is your friend! Essential for your sanity using it.


Thanks for putting this together. I’m sure it will help a lot of newbies like me understand things easier.

In case anyone comes across this thread, I am throwing up some quick to make videos into this youtube playlist

Unity + VRoid Studio

The last 3 episode livestreams are me explaining more like ‘i wanted to achieve X so I did Y and Z’ rather than talking about a specific feature. More stream of consciousness recordings than quality with a script. But I suspect there is not a large audience. (Okay, I have the analytics to PROOVE there is not a large audience .)

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At least I can tell you that we’re listening! There are precious feedback in this video!
Thanks for all that!


I don’t see Sequences in the package manager (2021.1.23f1+HDRP)

I don’t recall if the “show preview packages” in 2021.1 package manager will show it… I am using a 2021.2 beta, which includes the new “features” support.

Officially, Sequences premieres in 2021.2. But you can still get it in 2020.3 or 2021.1 by following these steps:

Find the + button in the upper left corner of Package Manager, select ‘Add package from git URL…’ then type in com.unity.sequences.

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Another video, not focusing on Sequences but using them, adding in case interesting to anyone who stumbles on this thread.

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Awesome! Amazing Videos!!

Tell The Bell