Quick question about scene objects

Hey all,
I read through all the official docs and a number of tutorials, but I can’t find info on scene objects. The “basics” tutorials are usually just a few shapes in the project folder, you make a small script using Addressables.LoadAssetAsync and friends and it loads them.

What is the process though for decent-sized, already populated scenes if you want to begin going that direction? Am I to take a completed scene and just go through every asset in the hierarchy individually or what is the process? It is perfectly fine if that is what needs to be done, I am just wanting to confirm whatever the process actually is so I know how to proceed from here.


You can load an entire scene with addressables, additively or single. You just need to be aware that if you are loading additively, you can’t load a scene with activate on load set to false and load other assets at the same time (other loads will be blocked until you activate the scene).

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