Available to buy on the Asset Store.
Supports Unity 2017.2
QuickFur is an easy-to-use solution for realistic fur in your games. It uses the “shell” technique to render millions of hairs with anywhere from 5 to 40 layers (or more if you want to build them yourself). The fur is completely customisable and utilises physically-based rendering, so you can make it look exactly how you want it to. If you want to dig into shader code, you can even apply your own surface or fragment shaders!
Customisation includes:
-Fur Colour
-Fur Map*
-Gravity and wind effects*
*See below
More Details
Fur Maps
Fur maps are the way QuickFur allows you to control your hairs on an individual basis. A simple noise texture (included in the package) is sufficient for great-looking fur, but by customising the alpha channel of the main texture map, you can alter the thickness of each individual hair. The more transparent a pixel is, the thinner the hair will be at that point. Note that higher resolution fur maps are required for more hairs.
Wind and Gravity
Gravity is a simple vector input that controls how the fur curves. With no gravity vector, the fur will protrude straight outwards, but by modifying this, you can give the fur weight, or give it a windswept look, etc.
The wind effects work by altering the effects of gravity dynamically at runtime. This makes the fur bend and sway in the direction (and with the magnitude) you define in the wind vector. The Wind Speed parameter allows you to customise how fast this wind animation plays. You can opt for wind and gravity to be applied in object space or world space, or any blend in between.
The Occlusion field allows you to give more depth to your fur, by customising how much the fur is “shadowed” by other hairs. This can really help to improve the look of your fur, particularly when using very thick hairs.
The package comes with several different shaders, with different lighting styles, so you can get exactly the look you want. These shaders are as follows:
- Standard
- Rim Lit
- Toon Basic
- Toon Basic Outline
- Toon Lit
- Toon Lit Outline
- Unlit
- Standard Cutout
- Rim Lit Cutout
- Unlit Cutout
Each of these produces a different look for your fur, and each of these has Unity’s built-in lighting system incorporated, so you can apply multiple lights, of multiple different types, and your fur will react correctly, with no extra effort from you. The cutout variants will also receive shadows in deferred rendering.
Each shader also has 4 versions, for different levels of detail. There are 5-step, 10-step, 20-step and 40-step shaders. The fewer steps there are, the faster the shaders will render, but will produce more obvious artefacts. The 20-step shader is sufficient for most purposes, and the 40-step should only be used for very long fur, or for fur very close to the camera. Note that these shaders do not currently have built-in LODs, though a LOD system is fairly easy to write for them in script, by swapping out shaders based on camera distance.
Included in the package is a “Hints & Tips” document, which will give a little more information on the details of how to produce the best fur.
So, all that’s left, I think, is to give you the links:
Demonstration Video (v1.2)
WebGL demo
Buy the package!
I hope some of you will consider using this package in your projects!