When coding, the mouse is no use - fingers are already on the keyboard, and keyboard nav is faster. But when I create a new script, I have to move away from keyboard. Ugh.
So I fixed it:
…but there’s more. I wanted this to integrate nicely with the core Unity Editor. You can read the source code and see how I did it - direct overlays onto the Project Tab, with context-sensitive checking. 95% of the effort was in making this integrate seamlessly - a lot harder than I expected.
It’s a small thing that’ll save you time. It’s only $2. But it’s also a starting point for me to add more and more “intelligent” behaviour.
Things I’d like to add over time:
auto-completing possible words and names (saves you from typo’ing when making new files)
remembering which script-types / filetypes you normally create, and defaulting to that
fast creation of “folder and subfolders” straight from the keyboard
…and anything else that you ask for and would save time when creating new files
I just purchased a copy for myself. I am a VIM guy, so this ought to come in really handy, I hate taking my hands off of the keyboard more than necessary. Great price too, especially considering how much work you had to put into it. Thanks a lot!
New version submitted, (v1.1) - this has corrected the popup position in Unity 5.
(turns out I was working around a bug in Unity 4 that they fixed in Unity 5 … so now my workaround was making it wrong :). Latest version acts differently based on your version of Unity)
Also, heads-up: I’ll be putting the price up in a future version. Not yet, but I’m adding equivalent features for “intelligent” creating gameobjects in the Hierarchy panel. When I do that, price will go up a few dollars (obviously anyone who already has it can upgrade for free)
Works in 2-column Project layout (previously: in 2-col layout, due to a bug in Unity that is more than 2 years old (!), it failed to run at all)
Improved internal checks on Unity Editor to catch future Unity3d bugs and carry on working anyway
Increased price (the source code for this thing is now getting substantially clever :))
Removed support for Unity 4.x
NB: – if you want support for Unity 4, please contact me and I’ll give you a patched version for 4.x. Alternatively, install the 5.x version and copy/paste it into Unity4. The ONLY REASON that 4.x is not supported is because Unity Corp is blocking it!
I can get it unblocked, but it’ll have to wait until I can buy a new laptop hard disk :(, the only way thye’ll unblock it is if I install 4.x side-by-side on the same machine.