QuickJoin not finding the same lobbies as QueryLobbies

Can anyone explain why the LobbyService.Instance.QueryLobbiesAsync() properly gives me a list of lobbies, but the QuickJoinLobbyAsync() function throws this error?:

Unity.Services.Lobbies.LobbyServiceException: failed to find any open lobbies matching the search criteria ---> Unity.Services.Lobbies.Http.HttpException'1[Unity.Services.Lobbies.Models.ErrorStatus]: (404) HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found at Unity.Services.Lobbies.Http.ResponseHandler.HandleAsyncResponse (Unity.Services.Lobbies.Http.HttpClientResponse response, System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary'2[TKey,TValue] statusCodeToTypeMap) [0x0007b] in .\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.services.lobby@1.2.2\Runtime\Http\ResponseHandler.cs:114 at Unity.Services.Lobbies.Http.ResponseHandler.HandleAsyncResponse[T]

QuickJoinLobbyOptions options = new QuickJoinLobbyOptions();

// Filter for open lobbies only
options.Filter = new List<QueryFilter> {
    new QueryFilter(
        field: QueryFilter.FieldOptions.AvailableSlots,
        op: QueryFilter.OpOptions.GT,
        value: "0")

// Throws an error saying "no lobbies found"
Lobby lobby = await LobbyService.Instance.QuickJoinLobbyAsync(options);
QueryLobbiesOptions options = new QueryLobbiesOptions();

// Filter for open lobbies only
options.Filters = new List<QueryFilter> {
    new QueryFilter(
        field: QueryFilter.FieldOptions.AvailableSlots,
        op: QueryFilter.OpOptions.GT,
        value: "0")

// Successfully gives me a list of open lobbies
QueryResponse queryResponse = await LobbyService.Instance.QueryLobbiesAsync(options);

I am using Relay and parallel sync, but am connected to different ports and am using different player names with the authenticator. (This also happens in the build)

As a side question, the QueryLobbiesAsync says I am exceeding the rate limit, but only for the first 1-3 times I call it. I’m never calling it more than once a second so it should be completely fine according to this page: