Video of glitch
Hello! I am seeming to have this problem and I honestly don’t what’s causing it. It doesn’t do it when I walk normally into it. I’ve tried putting the rotation in FixedUpdate() and nothing changes. I’ve also tried setting all of the colliders to continuous dynamically.
EDIT: It has something to do with my weapons. When I disable them and I have no weapons, I can’t spin through.
I would suggest you use “Physics Movement”, rather than “Moving” the game object directly!! (Keep your weapon collisions on, when trying this, it should still work).
I only used Unity 2D so far, but this is relative in 3D too!
Here is how to set it up correctly, so that your “collisions” works.
- Make sure your “Player” has a Rigidbody and a Collider.
- Set up your Rigidbody, like mine in the image.
NOTE: Ensure that “Interpolate” is on.
Next, use this code to move your playerObject:
public float movementSpeed;
private Rigidbody rb;
void Start()
rb = gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
private void FixedUpdate()
rb.velocity = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")*movementSpeed ,0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical")*movementSpeed);
- Also, if you find that you get “stuck on walls”, add a “Physics Material” with no “friction” to your “Box Collider” to do so:.
- Right click on the “Assets” folder in the inspector.
- Choose: Create → Physics Material.
- Name it “noFriction”. Then at the top right, make all the values “0”, and “minimum”.
- At your “Box Collider”, drag the new material into the “Material” section.
- You should have no more “friction on walls”.
Hope this helps!!
Like UnityM0nk3y said, change collision detection to continuous should fix the error