starting from Unity 2019.3 Alpha 2, there is Unity as a Library functionality that makes unity integration to native apps to work out of the box. Please take a look:
In some scenario developers using native platform technologies (like Android/Java & iOS/Objective C) want to include in their apps/games features powered by Unity (usually for 3D/2D Real Time Rendering), like AR experience, interaction with 3D models, 2D mini games and more.
Starting with Unity 2019.3.a2, we are introducing a new feature to use Unity as a library in native apps by integrating the Unity runtime components and your content in a native platform project. The Unity Runtime Library e…
This post explains how to include Unity as a Library into native iOS application. You can read more about Unity as a Library .
Pre Requirements:
Xcode 9.4+
Unity version 2019.3.a2 +
1. Get source
Clone or Download GitHub repo uaal-example . It includes
UnityProject - this is a simple demo project made with Unity which will be integrated to the standard iOS application. Assets / Plugins / iOS files used to communicate from Unity player to Native app …
** [!] Edited Sep 27, 2019. This example is outdated.** Since Unity version 2019.3.b4+ is out please refer to Version 2 of the example.
This post explains how to include Unity as a Library into native Android applications through Activities. (Just in case there is full project ready to build & deploy at the end of this doc ). You can read more about Unity as a Library .
Pre Requirements:
Android Studio 3.3.2+
Unity version 2019.3.a2 +
1. Download & Uncompress
Unity project
This “Unity …