Quiz 5 in Junior Programmer not completing- bug in course


In the course: Junior Programmer: Create with Code 2, Quiz 5 in the Unit 5 section, I have completed the quiz, but the platform is not recognizing that it is completed. Others in the course forum have noted the same issue, but no one is responding over there. What do I do to complete this so I can move onto the next course?


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I am experiencing the same bug. I don’t have a solution, just hoping that more comments will get Unity to fix it.


Having the same issue

I also have the same issue… seems like it still not resolved. Unity Learn, please fix

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still there , Unity Learn, please fix

Same issue, except it’s not the Quiz but the Bonus Features that won’t get marked as completed

I have something similar with the Essentials Pathway. I completed everything, but don’t get the badge. Tried to resubmit the Projects and take the Quizzes again, but that did not solve it either.