I’m using Unity (for a hobby) for over 10 years now and this is sad but Unity is going nowhere.
You are spending 99% of efforts for features being used by 1% of users - this is just a 99% wasted resources.
You are bringing newer and newer features not fixing or bringing some basics.
Just some short list of things not being fixed or implemented for years!
Multiplayer - previous version (user as host-based) was an old and bad idea but you didn’t bring the new one. No one knows when it will happen. In Unreal it’s just about to check one checkbox to make something repeatable. In Godot, it’s about to call a remote func. Here - there is nothing for now and you have to reinvent the wheel with sockets, listeners, streaming, byte[ ] counting etc.
Cloths system can collide only with spheres and capsules and you have to specify them in an array. So cloth can’t collide with terrain or world in general.
If you want to have good looking terrain or water - buy an asset while Unreal or Unigine give it to you by default out of the box (for free). This is a problem in general, if you want something to look or work well - you have to buy assets while in other engines (Unreal, Unigine, Godot) you have this by default.
There is no built-in saving system as it should be based on some internal database structure. Saving to register? Really? Again - you have to reinvent the wheel using serializers to save to the file and of course Mono is not Serializable so you may forget about the easy way.
You can’t still pass enums via buttons - so the whole idea of enums is useless. It seems to be easy task to implement as enums are int-based so the editor should show us in the menu enums values but behind the scene, int should be passed. But no… for years.
Universal and HighDefinition PipeLines - sorry but making this separate you totally killed your multiplatform approach. It’s dead. We should create now two separate projects, one for mobile and one for PC using two different pipelines? This approach is just stupid and killed multi platforming with Unity.
There is no built-in patching / updating system for the finished project. Even in free open source Godot, you have an option to build a patch version with only changes that were made included.
NavmeshAgents are still lost if you have over 100 of them when they standing and doing nothing as they are waiting for a free async resource. You can’t even force them as calculatePath is not an async only SetDestination is.
Bringing newer stuff fast not even fixing previously implemented bugs what makes Unity more and more buggy. Not to mention that the newer the solution, the worse the documentation.
Decals being material based is not a great approach. It should be done via layers in my opinion.
NavMesh modifiers still only available on some very old GitHub repository. Really? Like seriously?!
I can continue with such a list for other dozens of points but I hope you get the point and probably others can add here another hundred points.
ML Agents? ECS? Jobs? - all great but how many will use these features? 1% ? Not to mention that the ECS and Jobs system makes things even more complicated to work with.
I just want to say - please start putting 99% of efforts for things being used by 99% of people and before you create some new super-duper advanced stuff please be sure that basics are in place and working well and are properly documented.
So Quo Vadis Unity?
Sadly the answer is: for the last couple of years is going nowhere