Very impressive… I like this ! Congratulations…
Questions :
Can I export it for Windows app ? Mac app ? Not only for the Web ???
Is there a highscore (with name and score saving) ? Only for web game ? Is it possible that you add a script for highscore for standalone app too ? (Not only for webplayer ?)
I can’t see the wheels turn on the nice video ? Do they turn ???
Is the source for infinite racing games ? Or just one ?
u can build windows .exe too,and mac also,
playerpref will store score
wheels will rotate and turn,if u want to see wheels ,u have adjust camera
simple answer for all questions ,play the game here,if u like it ,buy the source,
for your additional wish list like high score saving ,u have to do it urself,and unity community and me will help u for free for sure .
new modules can be added to existing source.
I have played the game twice until the Porsche was free to see what happens !
Ah ? Ok ! I thought we can save the score because we have points !?! + a player name !?!
Great assets indeed…
Thanks for your reply.