Racquet in VR, doesnt hit the ball, and sometimes it "sticks" to the ball.

Im trying to create a simple racquet in VR, basically the idea is to attach a racquet to the controller(s) and then be able to hit a ball with the racquet.

However… Im having a few problems, one of them beeing that if I hit the ball to quick (with a high velocity) the hit wont get registered by Unitys physics engine and then the racquet simply goes through the ball.

Another issue is that if I hit the ball fast but not that fast… it sometimes feels like the ball sort of “sticks” to the racquet before it bounces away… and I guess thats also sort of related to the nature of the physics-engine…

Any ideas?
Would it be possible to somehow calculate the collision on Update()?


Of course you can. You need to increase the velocity of the racquet and at the same time increase the contact time.