Radar script modification, translate x y when camera spins.

I'm using the radar script found at http://www.unifycommunity.com/wiki/index.php?title=Radar Works great for creating a HUD radar.

It works by showing objects around a central object, in my case the camera. What I need to do is translate the x y so when my camera spins around the objects that were behind me on the radar are now in front. My first guess was to use transform.TransformDirection somehow but it's a little unclear to me at the moment.

void drawBlip(GameObject go, Texture2D blipTexture)
    if (_centerObject)
        Vector3 centerPos = _centerObject.transform.position;
        Vector3 extPos = go.transform.position;

        float dist = Vector3.Distance(centerPos, extPos);

        float bX = centerPos.x - extPos.x;
        float bY = centerPos.z - extPos.z;

        bX = bX * radarZoom;
        bY = bY * radarZoom;

        if(dist <= (_radarWidth - 2) * 0.5 / radarZoom)
            Rect clipRect = new Rect(_radarCenter.x - bX - 1.5f, _radarCenter.y + bY - 1.5f, 3, 3);
            GUI.DrawTexture(clipRect, blipTexture);

By the looks of it just change:

Vector3 extPos = go.transform.position;


Vector3 extPos = _centerObject.transform.InverseTransformPoint(go.transform.position);