Radial (pie) menu with the xbox controller

Well hello there (again),

I’ve been searching for radial menu’s to interact with, but it’s pretty hard to find.

It’s good to tell you all that I prefer working in C# instead of .js

I’ll try to sketch the situation for you people:

I’ve set up different sorts of GUI.Button images, wich should be selected via the xbox controller (left axis), in a pie-form. Selection of an item is by holding the Y button (to keep showing this menu thingy), and moving the controller (left axis) to an item and then release Y.

Something like when you hold the left axis to the left, a button will give you information that it’s selected (like lighting up/info about the item). Same thing for the other buttons.

There are 3 buttons on the left (top middle and down), and the same on the right.

Using the axis, the character still moves though, but that’s a matter of “pausing” the game when Y is held I guess. Pausing the game with Time.timeScale didn’t work out that well for me though, so is there any other solution to pause a game?

How oh how can I make this work?

I hope that this information isn’t too blurry to read for you guys :stuck_out_tongue:
It all sounds very clear in my own head, so if there are any misunderstandings, please don’t hold back on asking me.

Something like this should work

void Update ()
  if (Input.GetButtonDown("XboxYButton")
    moveCharacter = false;
    moveCharacter = true;

  if (moveCharacter)
    //character movement logic


Nvm, i got the radial menu working… \o/

I’ll post it if anyone’s interested in the code. Just a matter of setting horizontal and vertical code, and change some parts for all other buttons.

I am very interested in seeing the code you made to get the GUI buttons to work with he Xbox controller. i am trying to do something very similar right now but am not having any luck. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

I am also interested in this, because I cannot figure out how to control the GUI with the XBOX controller or keystrokes. Please post code if you can.