Radial Slider (Circle Slider)

The new Unity UI is a great step forward indeed.
But it lacks radial sliders (something like those here: jQuery Knob | aterrien)

Can you tell us here, if Unity brings this in a further release?

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Quick & dirty version:
WebGL Player - UnityCoder.com (webGL demo)

  • Track mouse position over image when mousebutton is down
  • Get angle from center
  • Adjust image fill amount (with fill method: Radial360)

Looks quite good. Do you spend us (the community) the code of this example?

What I intend to do is this (look the design of the picture)
There is a part of a radial slider and a on/off switcher and a 2D “positioner” to move parts of the object in the scene.

Is this feasible with the new GUI on a way?

2120677--139341--GUI Entwurf.jpg

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source package is there, still it was just quick test so would need to be made properly:


MANY THANKS! This is a good way to start. Now I will find out how it can be done that the value change only if the mouse pointer is within the white ring. May be with a “blinde” circle in front of the radial slider.

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Yes, that should work, or taking mouse distance to center (but then maybe have to give value for area inner radius)

Looks like a fantastic start @mgear You ok with adding this to the UI Extensions project? (link below)

yes go ahead, thanks!

@mgear @SimonDarksideJ @Ippokratis

Hey guys, I have made my own little script for a Radial Slider(s) which are also connected together (total values of all cannot go over 100%), do you think people would have use for it? On the Asset Store perhaps? Check out the video:

@mgear Hello, Thanks for your slider, I’m using it as a Radial Slider to move a RadialLayout.

I just wanted to know if there is a way to add a inertia movement at then end ?

Thanks you :wink:

Looks interesting @8bitCartridge do you also want to submit that to the #UIExtensions project and use the asset store link for donations? (a few have done that)
Up to you, but you’d be welcome :smile:

Is this on the asset store yet ?

@8bitCartridge I think it will be a really good idea to see that on the asset store. Free, if posssible

Adding this to the upcoming UI Extensions release, should be available soon. Time permitting :smile:

Any update on your plans @8bitCartridge ? Almost at the end of this update cycle for the UI Extensions.