What is Radiance :: Lux Prima about? Well, is a Beat 'em Up genre video game with our own touch of adventure to it ! We think it will be much better if you watch the actual campaign video to better understand it:
We do have some early concept game content already you can grab at either GameJolt or IndieDB. We are also running in parallel the game project campaign at IndieGoGo if you do like it enough based on what you see already and might decide to join our efforts into making this project as we do fully envision it.
We’ll be updating the project on a weekly fashion at all times and we will finish the game even if the campaign is not funded because we are strongly committed to it and we already set our bare minimum road map in order to get a nice enough game shipped. However we don’t wish for ‘nice enough’ as you might expect, we want as awesome as we envision it, on its possible full glory - so there’s the why we are on campaign and that’s why we need your help if you like the project enough.
(if you decide to download and try the prototype, you’ll find instructions on the respective site)
Here are the links in case you might be interested:
Game Jolt
IndieGoGo Campaign
Facebook Fan Page
Web Site
So you read all the way down here, then you must like it or like to read thank you ! Humm… then how about telling you a bit about the current status of the early concept prototype… let’s see:
The current status is pretty much very early. It still got a lot of work on it nevertheless, so far like 9 months of full hard work indeed. However we haven’t code enough gameplay on it yet as to dare to call it a Demo… not even Alpha. So that’s why we are calling it : ‘Early Concept Prototype’.
Then, what can you expect from this early prototype?
Movement and Camera : You can walk / run the whole first stage (the Radiance village) from left to right. While you can move freely in all directions you won’t be able to move the camera around, the camera is fixed since the game action is intended to be side scrolling as you progress (very similar to the classic beat 'em ups). The camera in further versions is supposed to restrict your area of action until a certain criteria is meet, tasks accomplished, then you can continue. Right now is not like this, is just a free flowing action from to either left or right direction, thus we ask that you restrict yourself to the front of the structures if you wish to ‘mimic’ what should be the intended gameplay on further versions were this is fixed / added.
Character Action : The character action is fairly limited to the bare essentials, walking and running is depending on analog stick value automatically (Mecanim) and can only do basic jump move and basic slash movement.
Enemies : The enemy Ai is fairly straight forward, not too much intelligence is built yet, so they only sense you, run after you and attack (indiscriminately) if you are in their range - no special attacks has been incorporated yet to them neither, so they too have basic attack moves so far. Their hit box system is fairly cool so they got different animations depending on where you land your sword the same when they die. Their tracks are accurate, not random. You might even be able to track how far they are and how many… Right now zones are not well defined, so you might find some of them get stuck (should be fixed for next update)
Events : There’s one event were you can actually rescue a villager that’s in need if you manage to successfully interact with your surroundings (you can break some things - not too much yet but will be a lot as the game matures).
Structures : You can enter some structures not all. We need to make it in the future so that is much more obvious that you can enter some of the structures - right now there’s almost no events inside the structures, except one but this will too change with future releases. We opted to let you enter the structures where we are planing to set up events even when there’s no events now for the sake of adding variety to the prototype and so you can see how things are looking regarding the difference in camera angles, movement freedom and visuals in general.
Environments Hazards : There will be and there are environment hazards too. For example you might caught yourself fire if you are not cautious with your movement speed / direction. Explosions currently does not harm you, however they do harm enemies. In case you notice some enemies die easily or are already dead by the time you reach to them.
Items : At the time being there’s only meat you can pick up by touching it with your character.
Effects : Some meat could be poisoned, there’s no particular indication, you just risk to take it or not. If its poisoned you’ll see the HUD turning green as an indication. Poison last for a random time too. It wears off by itself. There’s no items for recovering from poison yet (those are for next update - herbs)
UI / Menu : There’s a small quick menu always available to you in case you get stuck or want to exit the game at any time by hitting “ESC” key on the keyboard.
I think that would be all for now in terms of what we do have, and normally we would not tell but since its an early concept and we want you to be able to explore it as much as possible then we’ll tell you which structures you can enter :
The House with the huge beer barrel on top
The Inn (the one with the tinted glasses)
The Water Well (you can jump on it at the burning forest) - to exit just go all the way to the right and touch the roots that are on the wall at the very end where’s there particles arising.
That would be all, hope you find it good enough for an early concept prototype and that you get motivated to help us at the campaign either by contributing or by promoting. Thanks a lot for your time and for your kind attention we do really really appreciate it a LOT !
We would like to hear from you if you do want to make a review if you are a youtuber or blogger / news, etc. Also in particular if its in other languages that would be sooo freaking awesome and will help us so much! We do love all that kind of cool support and if you do and drop us a note we will totally highlight your work at our fan page and other informative channels so everyone can go and check it out too.
You can reach me at my email please, I don’t tend to frequent the forums so even tough I’ll try forcing myself to get used to it, it will be much more faster if you get to me directly trough email or even trough a message at the Facebook page, we get to those fairly quick. We are very active in there or you can fill the form at our website too, that’s another way to get at us quick enough. Otherwise I might just even miss it. Reason being mostly because we have not dedicated personnel for this tasks so far, thus we do in our own.
E m a i l :: jose.luis.torres.reyes at Gmail