I did the ragdoll thing for a skeleton model I have. It ended up just tumbling down and having all these connections between pieces… I went back into my modeling program and separated each bone into vertex groups, so now the ragdoll drops it all in separate pieces, like bones. It is a skeleton so I guess it is acceptable that when it dies… it falls apart. The problem is that the pieces need collision boxes to keep it from falling through the floor, but I don’t want the collision to effect other things, like a player walking over them. Is there a way to remove the interaction with everything except the ground surface? Maybe it has something to do with triggers, but I don’t know what those are yet. I hope what I’m saying makes sense, it’s just tough to move around when you explode a dozen skeletons and all their pieces have collision. It’d look weird if it all just fell through the floor too…
Also another thing I’ve noticed is that some of the pieces in the ragdoll setting end up being flat, 2D, is that normal?