ragdoll disable bug

Hey, I think I found a weird bug…

When I try to disable and enable a ragdoll gameObject using the inspector, everything works fine.
Using gameObject.setActiveRecursivly(bool) instead has not the same effect.

  • Turning off works fine, but turning the ragdoll on again results in a physics chaos which looks like a mad spider and not like a cute avatar.

After some debugging I found out, that it’s important for ragdolls, in which order you turn off/on the different rigidbody parts. In this case it’s from bottom to top, means the lowest parts in the gameObject hierarchy must be turn on first.

As setActiveRecursivly(bool) doesn’t work for this case I use following simple method:

Component[]  transforms = ragdolls.GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Transform));
foreach (Transform t in transforms)
   t.gameObject.active = true;

but anyway … very strange. Anyone else the same experience?

Aaah thanks for posting this. How lame!
This still happens in 3.4.2