Ragdoll is broken in Unity version 6?

Hi, thanks for your response. However, Unity version 6 isn’t suitable for continuing the project. I either need to keep working in 2021 or find a version in 2023 where ragdolls function properly. I just tried Unity 2023.2.19f1, and the same ragdoll issue persists. Now I’m going to try rolling back to version 2023.1.20f1. Honestly, I’m surprised they managed to break the physics like this :slight_smile: and didn’t notice it.

I wonder what could be a reason NOT to use Unity 6. We are currently on 2023.2.18, don’t have much issues (heavily using physics), and consider upgrading to Unity 6 once it is stable enough (it’s already pretty stable, but some XR related bugs need to be fixed first).

I’m using the standard rendering pipeline and some plugins that may have issues with Unity 6, but I’ll check that later. Right now, I need to find a stable version of Unity 2023 where there are no problems with ragdolls. I’m updating the project to 2023.1.20f1. Now I definitely need to move away from Unity 2021.3.42f, as a new problem surfaced just today. During VR gameplay and saving, players were unable to pick up items. I’m using OpenVR, and finally, one player sent me a save file where this bug occurs. The worst part is, there are no errors in the console at all, but items can’t be picked up. You can take a weapon from the slot, but if you drop it, you can’t pick it up again. I spent 3 hours trying to figure out the issue, but then I decided to load the save file on a build of the game compiled in Unity 2023.2.19, and everything worked fine, unlike in Unity 2021.3.42.

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where Colliders would skip over the root ArticulationBody due to initialization order. This would end up forcing the colliders to remain static and be ignored by the ArticulationBody components that they should be attached to. (UUM-72958)

  • Physics: Fixed an issue where all Joint component types apart from HingeJoint would be treated as having their limit ranges (-tau,+tau) rather than (-pi,+pi) by default. This issue manifested as unstable/explosive initial motion of any joint system not using HingeJoint components. (UUM-72854)

Is there a chance that this issue will be fixed in Unity versions 2023.2.20f or 2023.2.19f?

p.s Apologies, I’ve been working with Unity 2017 and Unity 2021 for so long that I missed this. Is Unity 6 essentially Unity 2023.4?

Development on the 2023.2 branch stopped long ago, and bug fixes are not being back ported. All my reported bugs which were not fixed before the end of life of 2023.2 has been marked as won’t fix for this version.

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Sad to hear that. I’ve been working with Unity 3.11, and version 2023.2.20f is indeed quite solid, apart from the ragdoll issues. It built the project easily. But unfortunately, due to the physics problems, it’s not suitable. I just upgraded to Unity 6000.0.21f, and not only did the project size increase by 100 GB, from 245 to 350 GB, but at the very end of the build, I got a memory error. And after I decided to update Odin to the latest version due to some errors, it’s been installing the same thing over and over for an hour. Maybe starting a project from scratch or upgrading a smaller project would work well, but not in my case. It’s unfortunate that the 2023.2 branch has a serious physics bug that won’t be fixed…

I managed to update and build the project in Unity 6000.0.22f, but it turns out the ragdoll is broken again. :slight_smile: Here’s the bug report: Unity Issue Tracker - Character Joints unexpectedly rotate when a ragdoll is created using the Ragdoll Wizard


We are aware of this specific issue and currently handling it. There is a preliminary fix once that passes QA verification we’ll include it in the next patch release for Unity 6.

Also tech streams such as 23.1.x and 23.2.x are no longer supported and this fix will not be ported to either of them.
