Ragespline: affect collider in a script?


I’m developing with Ragespline and I wonder if anyone knows the answer to my current riddle:

With normal 3d primitives in unity, you can disable the collider in the Inspector and then reenable the collider in script. But Ragespline’s automatic colliders seem to work differently then Unity’s primitive colliders. Is there a way to do this with Ragespline’s colliders or do I just need to create a separate collider in Unity and trigger it normally?

Thanks all!


If you look under the Ragespline component options, I believe you can tell it to generate colliders in the editor; if you find that option, you might see if you can edit the colliders through the inspector.

If you need a reference to the colliders during gameplay, you can probably write a script that uses GetComponentsInChildren() or a similar function to get a full list of colliders attached to a particular object.

And finally, you can just attach your own colliders. I’ve sometimes found that can be useful if Ragespline is having a hard time generating efficient colliders for some objects.