Have you ever thought about highlighting often used objects in your scene? This simple but colorful asset allows you to do that!
With Rainbow Hierarchy, you can set a custom icon and background for any object in the Hierarchy window.
Just hold the Alt key and click on any object in your scene. A configuration dialog will appear, and you’ll be able to assign custom icon and background to the corresponding object. Your own one or chose from dozens of presets!
Assign a custom icon and background for any object in your Hierarchy window.
Change icon or background for multiple objects at once
Apply custom icon and background for all subfolders automatically
Optional row shading and hierarchy tree outlines
More than 150 icons available out of the box
Source code included
We would appreciate if you’ll rate it and leave feedback. Thanks!
I would be glad to provide a discount for owners of the Rainbow Folders asset but the Asset Store doesn’t provide such functionality. Will try to find some workaround
Hi PhannGor! Thank you for this plugin!
I Have problems with compatibility for Unity 2018.3… lot of errors like :
Assets/Plugins/RainbowAssets/RainbowHierarchy/Editor/Scripts/Menu/Components/ComponentIconStorage.cs(258,84): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `HoloLensInputModule’ could not be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?
Is there any solution - or we should wait for new update!
The plugin is awesome, but I have a weird issue. I can’t upgrade from 1.1 to 2.0, everytime I go to import the new package, it always shows me the old 1.1 tree (with icons and whatnot), and not the new 2.0 tree… have you seen this or heard of this happen?
I’ve discovered why I can’t get 2.0: the 2.0 package isn’t available to Unity 2017, once I tested an upgrade of the project to 2018, it was downloading the updated package.
Alright, this still isn’t working properly (the upgrade path). Now all my links from the existing RainbowHierarchyConf gameobjects are broken, and if I manually try to fix the link, all the serialized content disappears. Is there a better upgrade path?
You’re right, Rainbow Hierarchy v2.0 available only for unity 2018.3 or greater. There is no way to use it on previous versions because they don’t have required API for new features introduced in v2.0.
Regarding upgrade from v1.* to v2.0… There are significant changes in how data is stored in v2.0 so there is no way to upgrade from v1.* to v2.0 without loosing assigned icons for existing scenes. I recommend to use v2.0 for new projects while keeping v1.* for existing ones.
I’m really sorry for this inconvenience and I’ll put a proper warning into documentation to avoid confusion for other users.
Actually, ther’s one thing I can’t understand. In one of my scenes, with RainbowHierarchy 2.0 installed (but I haven’t configured anything), I can’t find the old RainbowHierarchy GO, but its there, because its throwing an error, and I see it in the .unity YAML:
The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object ‘RainbowHierarchyConf’) is missing!
When I deleted the RainbowHierarchy Assembly from the project, the GO still won’t show in the Editor. Do you know how I can clean these stale gameobjects that are somehow hidden?
Here is a simple tool to get rid of hidden game objects (got it here). Just put this script in some Editor folder in your project and open its window from main menu: Tools → Hidden GameObject Tools
Then you’ll be able to delete old RainbowHierarchyConf from your scene.
Hi, folks! We’ve finally reproduced and thereafter fixed a bug regarding significant Editor performance degradation that affected some of you.
This issue was related to the new feature of drawing project tree outlines and appeared only under a certain set of circumstances (heavy scriptable objects, large prefabs linked to each other, etc.) The funny thing is that it was relatively easy to fix but really hard to figure out what exactly should be fixed… Thank all of you who helped us to catch the cause and figure out what exactly goes wrong!
A new maintenance release is now available on the Asset Store.
Hi there! Great asset. Any way of going about assigning backgrounds, icons etc through code? would be nice to get colour on object creation, especially in dense scenes. Or inherit color from parents… etc etc
Thank you for your feedback! I like the idea to be able to assign icons procedurally. Will think about how it could be implemented in next versions of the Rainbow Hierarchy
Before I buy, I’d like to confirm if this makes Unity Editor to eat CPU resources like there’s no tomorrow.
I’ve already tried some component scripts and other assets, and just as you colorize a game object I can hear the fans revving, CPU usage going to 30%, and ‘Power Usage’ getting red.
I see there’s a ‘performance fix’ up there, but does it work for Unity 2019.3.x? And more importantly, will you offer a refund if I see that kind of performance drop happening?
Not sure about tomorrow’s day with all those things happening around the world in 2020, but there should be no extensive CPU or GPU usage when using Rainbow Folders and Rainbow Hierarchy assets. For sure, there will be some overhead needed to rendering those icons but it should not be significant even for older machines.
Yes, we’ve had a bug that caused CPU spikes in one of the previous version but even then it affected less than 100% users and were reproducible only in specific circumstances. We didn’t get any complaints regarding performance after that bug was fixed.
Regarding refund, sure we will provide you a refund in case of a serious performance drop caused exclusively by our plugins and if we’ll not able to fix it in a reasonable time.