I have created a series of meshes when placed together create a house, and I created a few meshes that surround that walls and windows, etc to use as a collision mesh. I did not generate collision on the meshes on import because I was going to use my own. I placed the mesh, and added several empty game objects that I put MeshColliders on. I select my collision meshes that I want to use for the collision, and everything works fine. But as my PlayerCharacter is moving around, I can tell it is getting pushed aside on random collision that is not there. It’s as if there are thin strings from the top to bottom and as the PlayerCharacter hits the strings, they slide around them after a small bump. It’s noticeable but there is nothing there on my collision. I’m not able to post a video showing it as it hard to detect, but I can see it in multiple locations across my mesh. I know which collision mesh is causing the problem, as the issue is gone when I deactivate the object. The strange thing is that the mesh that is causing the problems is isolated to the “bottom floor” of the house, in which the PlayerCharacter isn’t even intersecting with the collider. But as I said earlier, its as if random edges of the mesh are shooting upwards into the upper floor of the house. Is there any ideas or suggestions on how to fix this, or why it’s even happening?
well… I fixed it, I’m not totally clear as to why I had to do what I did… Basically it is your ceiling.
Your ceiling was overlapping in several places with the wall and the second floor. I don’t know why your character collider wasn’t showing the collisions, but if you increase the size, I made him radius 0.5, height 2, then it was reporting collisions with the ceiling and the wall as well as the floor (make sure you use collapse in the logs). After I removed the overlapping faces, which can’t be seen or touched anyway, so shouldn’t be there, it works fine.
Somehow the physics engine was having trouble calculating them as exactly the same and there were some arguing collider faces where they were overlapping is all I can guess.
It seems like the bottom two meshes that were used as collision had issues computing collision with faces that had the normals facing up. When I deleted those faces, the collision disappeared. And as you can see from the images I posted before, the character controller was not even touching the two bottom meshes. But it was indeed those two meshes. I don’t know why the faces had issues. Thanks for the help Malkere