Some of my players are facing random crashes every 20 minutes on Android. One of them is using an S22 Ultra.
Need some assistance in understanding this crash log: (From my understanding so far it isn’t a memory issue since the memory error code isn’t appearing in the crash log.) I’m now suspecting it could be some hardware issue with the device. Assistance / advice is appreciated.
!@bugreport_mode BUGREPORT_INTERACTIVE, and dumpstate by default
Module metadata package name:
Setting progress: 25/12780 (0%)
Setting progress: 30/12780 (0%)
No IDumpstateDevice AIDL implementation
Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path /data/user_de/0/
Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path /data/user_de/0/
Using IDumpstateDevice v1.1 HIDL HAL
dumpstateBoard failed with DumpstateStatus::UNSUPPORTED_MODE
Ignoring empty dumpstate_board.txt
Ignoring empty dumpstate_board.bin
Setting progress: 35/12780 (0%)
Setting progress: 40/12780 (0%)
Setting progress: 45/12780 (0%)
Setting progress: 50/12780 (0%)
Setting progress: 55/12780 (0%)
Duration of 'DUMPSYS CRITICAL': 0.86s
*** command 'perfetto --save-for-bugreport' failed: exit code 1
Setting progress: 65/12780 (0%)
Error: Tracing is not supported on user builds.
Setting progress: 75/12780 (0%)
Setting progress: 85/12780 (0%)
Setting progress: 135/12780 (1%)
Duration of 'SYSTEM LOG': 3.78s
Duration of 'EVENT LOG': 0.15s
Duration of 'STATS LOG': 0.02s
Setting progress: 285/12780 (2%)
Duration of 'RADIO LOG': 0.16s
logcat: Logcat read failure: No such file or directory
*** command 'logcat -L -b all -v threadtime -v printable -v uid -d *:v' failed: exit code 1
Start thread pool:2
Duration of 'Dmabuf dump': 0.81s
Adding dir /cache/recovery (recursive: 1)
Duration of '/cache/recovery': 1.26s
Adding dir /data/misc/recovery (recursive: 1)
Adding dir /data/misc/update_engine_log (recursive: 1)
Adding dir /data/misc/logd (recursive: 0)
Adding dir /data/misc/prereboot (recursive: 0)
MOUNT INFO: 104 entries added to zip file
Duration of 'LPDUMP': 1.04s
Duration of 'DEVICE-MAPPER': 1.03s
Adding dir /metadata/ota (recursive: 1)
Setting progress: 385/12780 (3%)
Setting progress: 535/12780 (4%)
Setting progress: 640/12780 (5%)
Setting progress: 770/12780 (6%)
execvp on command 'iotop -n 1 -m 100' failed (error: No such file or directory)
*** command 'iotop -n 1 -m 100' failed: exit code 1
Setting progress: 895/12780 (7%)
Duration of 'WIFI LSHAL DEBUG': 1.82s
Setting progress: 1025/12780 (8%)
Duration of 'DUMP TRACES': 52.50s
Duration of 'Wait for ': 44.76s
shutdown thread pool
Start thread pool:3
No IDumpstateDevice AIDL implementation
Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path /data/user_de/0/
Calling IDumpstateDevice implementation using path /data/user_de/0/
Using IDumpstateDevice v1.1 HIDL HAL
dumpstateBoard failed with DumpstateStatus::UNSUPPORTED_MODE
Ignoring empty dumpstate_board.txt
Ignoring empty dumpstate_board.bin
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.0::ICameraService/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.1::ICameraService/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.cameraservice.service@2.2::ICameraService/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.displayservice@1.0::IDisplayService/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.frameworks.sensorservice@1.0::ISensorManager/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.atrace@1.0::IAtraceDevice/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.bluetooth@1.0::IBluetoothHci/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.gatekeeper@1.0::IGatekeeper/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.keymaster@4.0::IKeymasterDevice/strongbox": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.secure_element@1.0::ISecureElement/eSE1": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.secure_element@1.1::ISecureElement/eSE1": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.secure_element@1.2::ISecureElement/eSE1": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.sensors@2.0::ISensors/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.sensors@2.1::ISensors/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.0::ISoundTriggerHw/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.1::ISoundTriggerHw/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.2::ISoundTriggerHw/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.soundtrigger@2.3::ISoundTriggerHw/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.tetheroffload.config@1.0::IOffloadConfig/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.tetheroffload.control@1.0::IOffloadControl/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.tetheroffload.control@1.1::IOffloadControl/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.usb@1.0::IUsb/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.usb@1.1::IUsb/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.usb@1.2::IUsb/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hardware.usb@1.3::IUsb/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.allocator@1.0::IAllocator/ashmem": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/ashmem": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/clearkey": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/default0": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/dspservice": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/eSE1": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/epdgd": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/epdgd2": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsd": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/imsd2": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/legacy/0": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/qtee-vm": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot1": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/slot2": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/software": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/strongbox": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.base@1.0::IBase/widevine": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.hidl.token@1.0::ITokenManager/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "android.system.wifi.keystore@1.0::IKeystore/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.0::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.1::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.2::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.3::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.4::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.5::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.6::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.color@1.7::IDisplayColor/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.config@2.0::IDisplayConfig/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.display.postproc@1.0::IDisplayPostproc/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.diaghal@1.0::Idiag/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.AGMIPC@1.0::IAGM/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.cacert@1.0::IService/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.capabilityconfigstore@1.0::ICapabilityConfigStore/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.display.composer@3.0::IQtiComposer/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.display.composer@3.1::IQtiComposer/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.display.demura@2.0::IDemuraFileFinder/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.dsp@1.0::IDspService/dspservice": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.eid@1.0::IEid/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.0::IPerf/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.1::IPerf/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.2::IPerf/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.3::IPerf/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.qseecom@1.0::IQSEECom/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.0::IServicetracker/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.1::IServicetracker/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.servicetracker@1.2::IServicetracker/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemEvent/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.systemhelper@1.0::ISystemResource/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.trustedui@1.0::ITrustedInput/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.trustedui@1.0::ITrustedInput/qtee-vm": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.trustedui@1.0::ITrustedUI/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.trustedui@1.0::ITrustedUI/qtee-vm": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.trustedui@1.1::ITrustedInput/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.trustedui@1.1::ITrustedInput/qtee-vm": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.trustedui@1.1::ITrustedUI/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.trustedui@1.1::ITrustedUI/qtee-vm": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.trustedui@1.2::ITrustedUI/default": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "vendor.qti.hardware.trustedui@1.2::ITrustedUI/qtee-vm": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
Warning: Skipping "": cannot be fetched from service manager (null)
*** command 'lshal --all --types=all' failed: exit code 136
Duration of 'HARDWARE HALS': 0.74s
android.hardware.sensors@2.1::ISensors/default does not exist, or no permission to connect.
*** command 'lshal debug -E android.hardware.sensors@2.1::ISensors/default' failed: exit code 128
Duration of 'DUMP HALS': 0.85s
section 1000 status 1
section 1000 status 2
section 1002 status 1
section 1002 status 2
section 1109 status 1
section 1109 status 2
section 1110 status 1
section 1110 status 2
section 1111 status 1
section 1111 status 2
section 1112 status 1
section 1112 status 2
section 1113 status 1
section 1113 status 2
section 1114 status 1
section 1114 status 2
section 1115 status 1
section 1115 status 2
section 1116 status 1
Duration of 'CPU INFO': 1.30s
Duration of 'PROCESSES AND THREADS': 0.92s
Setting progress: 1155/12780 (9%)
ls: epdgcr: Permission denied
ls: netstats: Permission denied
ls: wdata: Permission denied
ls: wifi: Permission denied
*** command 'ls -a -l -R /data/log/' failed: exit code 1
AddAnrTraceDir(): dump_traces_file=/data/log/dumptrace_ZDUHVX, anr_traces_dir=/data/anr
Dumping current ANR traces (/data/log/dumptrace_ZDUHVX) to the main bugreport entry
section 1116 status 2
section 2001 status 1
section 2001 status 2
section 2002 status 1
section 2002 status 2
section 2003 status 1
section 2003 status 2
section 2004 status 1
section 2004 status 2
section 2005 status 1
section 2005 status 2
section 2006 status 1
section 2006 status 2
section 2007 status 1
section 2007 status 2
section 3000 status 1
section 3000 status 2
section 3002 status 1
section 3002 status 2
section 3004 status 1
Setting progress: 1280/12780 (10%)
section 3004 status 2
section 3005 status 1
Setting progress: 1415/12780 (11%)
section 3005 status 2
section 3006 status 1
section 3006 status 2
section 3007 status 1
section 3007 status 2
section 3008 status 1
Setting progress: 1535/12780 (12%)
Setting progress: 1665/12780 (13%)
Setting progress: 1795/12780 (14%)
Setting progress: 1925/12780 (15%)
Setting progress: 2045/12780 (16%)
Setting progress: 2175/12780 (17%)
Setting progress: 2305/12780 (18%)
Setting progress: 2435/12780 (19%)
Setting progress: 2565/12780 (20%)
Setting progress: 2685/12780 (21%)
Setting progress: 2815/12780 (22%)
Setting progress: 2945/12780 (23%)
Setting progress: 3075/12780 (24%)
Setting progress: 3195/12780 (25%)
Setting progress: 3325/12780 (26%)
Setting progress: 3455/12780 (27%)
Setting progress: 3585/12780 (28%)
Setting progress: 3715/12780 (29%)
Setting progress: 3835/12780 (30%)
Setting progress: 3965/12780 (31%)
Setting progress: 4095/12780 (32%)
Setting progress: 4225/12780 (33%)
Setting progress: 4355/12780 (34%)
Setting progress: 4475/12780 (35%)
Setting progress: 4605/12780 (36%)
Setting progress: 4735/12780 (37%)
Setting progress: 4865/12780 (38%)
Setting progress: 4985/12780 (39%)
Setting progress: 5115/12780 (40%)
Setting progress: 5245/12780 (41%)
Setting progress: 5375/12780 (42%)
Setting progress: 5505/12780 (43%)
Setting progress: 5625/12780 (44%)
Setting progress: 5755/12780 (45%)
Setting progress: 5885/12780 (46%)
Setting progress: 6015/12780 (47%)
Setting progress: 6135/12780 (48%)
Setting progress: 6265/12780 (49%)
Setting progress: 6395/12780 (50%)
Setting progress: 6525/12780 (51%)
Setting progress: 6655/12780 (52%)
Setting progress: 6775/12780 (53%)
Setting progress: 6905/12780 (54%)
Setting progress: 7035/12780 (55%)
Setting progress: 7165/12780 (56%)
Setting progress: 7285/12780 (57%)
Setting progress: 7415/12780 (58%)
Setting progress: 7545/12780 (59%)
Setting progress: 7675/12780 (60%)
Setting progress: 7805/12780 (61%)
Setting progress: 7925/12780 (62%)
Setting progress: 8055/12780 (63%)
Setting progress: 8185/12780 (64%)
Setting progress: 8315/12780 (65%)
Setting progress: 8435/12780 (66%)
Setting progress: 8565/12780 (67%)
Setting progress: 8695/12780 (68%)
Setting progress: 8825/12780 (69%)
Setting progress: 8955/12780 (70%)
Setting progress: 9075/12780 (71%)
Setting progress: 9205/12780 (72%)
Setting progress: 9335/12780 (73%)
Setting progress: 9465/12780 (74%)
Setting progress: 9585/12780 (75%)
Setting progress: 9715/12780 (76%)
Setting progress: 9845/12780 (77%)
Setting progress: 9975/12780 (78%)
Setting progress: 10105/12780 (79%)
Setting progress: 10225/12780 (80%)
Setting progress: 10355/12780 (81%)
Setting progress: 10485/12780 (82%)
Setting progress: 10615/12780 (83%)
section 3008 status 2
section 3009 status 1
section 3009 status 2
section 3010 status 1
Setting progress: 10740/12780 (84%)
Adding dir /data/misc/nfc/logs (recursive: 1)
section 3010 status 2
section 3011 status 1
Setting progress: 10870/12780 (85%)
Setting progress: 11000/12780 (86%)
section 3011 status 2
section 3012 status 1
Duration of 'DUMP ROUTE TABLES': 0.56s
section 3012 status 2
section 3013 status 1
Setting progress: 11120/12780 (87%)
Adding dir /data/misc/snapshotctl_log (recursive: 0)
Adding dir /data/log/bt (recursive: 1)
section 3013 status 2
section 3014 status 1
section 3014 status 2
section 3015 status 1
section 3015 status 2
section 3016 status 1
section 3016 status 2
section 3017 status 1
section 3017 status 2
section 3018 status 1
Setting progress: 11255/12780 (88%)
Duration of 'APP SERVICES PLATFORM': 3.98s
Duration of 'APP SERVICES NON-PLATFORM': 8.38s
Setting progress: 11375/12780 (89%)
Duration of 'APP PROVIDERS PLATFORM': 1.02s
section 3018 status 2
section 3019 status 1
section 3019 status 2
section 3020 status 1
section 3020 status 2
section 3021 status 1
section 3021 status 2
section 3024 status 1
section 3024 status 2
section 3027 status 1
section 3027 status 2
section 3028 status 1
section 3028 status 2
section 3029 status 1
section 3029 status 2
section 3030 status 1
section 3030 status 2
section 3031 status 1
section 3031 status 2
section 3032 status 1
section 3032 status 2
section 3033 status 1
section 3033 status 2
section 3034 status 1
section 3034 status 2
section 3035 status 1
section 3035 status 2
section 3036 status 1
section 3036 status 2
section 3037 status 1
section 3037 status 2
section 3038 status 1
section 3038 status 2
section 3039 status 1
section 3039 status 2
section 3040 status 1
section 3040 status 2
section 3041 status 1
section 3041 status 2
section 3042 status 1
section 3042 status 2
section 3043 status 1
section 3043 status 2
section 3044 status 1
section 3044 status 2
section 3045 status 1
section 3045 status 2
section 3046 status 1
section 3046 status 2
section 3047 status 1
section 3047 status 2
section 3049 status 1
section 3049 status 2
section 3050 status 1
section 3050 status 2
section 3051 status 1
section 3051 status 2
section 3052 status 1
section 3052 status 2
section 3053 status 1
section 3053 status 2
section 3054 status 1
section 3054 status 2
section 3055 status 1
section 3055 status 2
section 3056 status 1
section 3056 status 2
Duration of 'INCIDENT REPORT': 30.85s
Setting progress: 11525/12780 (90%)
Duration of 'DUMP CHECKINS': 1.20s
Duration of 'DUMPSYS HIGH': 33.55s
Duration of 'DUMPSYS HIGH': 33.56s
Error with service 'vendor.qti.hardware.display.config.IDisplayConfig/default' while dumping: FAILED_TRANSACTION
Error with service '' while dumping: FAILED_TRANSACTION
Can't find service: vold
Duration of 'DUMPSYS NORMAL': 61.83s
Duration of 'DUMPSYS NORMAL': 61.95s
*** command '/system/bin/dumpsys -T 60000 activity provider all-non-platform' timed out after 69.218s (killing pid 801)
Duration of 'APP PROVIDERS NON-PLATFORM': 69.22s
Setting progress: 11646/12780 (91%)
Duration of 'APP PROVIDERS SEC_MEDIA': 0.73s
Setting progress: 11826/12780 (92%)
Setting progress: 11916/12780 (93%)
Setting progress: 12096/12780 (94%)
Setting progress: 12186/12780 (95%)
Adding dir /linkerconfig (recursive: 1)
Adding frozen processes from /sys/fs/cgroup
Duration of 'DUMPSTATE': 94.99s
Adjusting max progress from 12780 to 15469
Duration of 'SYSTEM LOG AFTER DONE': 1.17s
Duration of 'Total Dumpstate': 152.89s
Adding main entry (dumpstate.txt) from /data/user_de/0/ to .zip bugreport
dumpstate id 1 finished around 2023/03/26 22:15:05 (156 s)
Adding zip text entry main_entry.txt
dumpstate_log.txt entry on zip file logged up to here