when i try to show random images/texts on loading scene.
texts/images repeat too many times. how i can fix this? (don’t repeat)
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class LO_LoadingScreen : MonoBehaviour
private static LO_LoadingScreen instance = null;
public CanvasGroup canvasAlpha;
public Text status;
public Text title;
public Text titleDescription;
public Slider progressBar;
public static string prefabName = "Stock_Style";
[Header("RANDOM HINTS")]
public Text hintsText;
public List<string> HintList = new List<string>();
public bool changeHintWithTimer;
public float hintTimerValue = 5;
// [Range(0.1f, 1)] public float hintFadingSpeed = 1;
private float htvTimer;
public Image imageObject;
public Animator fadingAnimator;
public List<Sprite> ImageList = new List<Sprite>();
public bool changeImageWithTimer;
public float imageTimerValue = 5;
[Range(0.1f, 5)] public float imageFadingSpeed = 1;
private float itvTimer;
[Header("PRESS ANY KEY (WIP)")]
public Animator objectAnimator;
private bool isAnimPlayed = false;
public float virtualLoadingTimer = 5;
private float vltTimer;
public bool enableVirtualLoading = false;
public bool enableTitleDesc = true;
public bool enableRandomHints = true;
public bool enableRandomImages = true;
public bool enablePressAnyKey = true;
public string titleText;
public string titleDescText;
public float fadingAnimationSpeed = 2.0f;
private bool isHintAlphaZero;
void Start()
// If this is disabled, then disable Title Description object
if (enableTitleDesc == false)
titleDescription.enabled = false;
// If this is enabled, generate random hints
if (enableRandomHints == true)
string hintChose = HintList[Random.Range(0, HintList.Count)];
hintsText.text = hintChose;
// If this is enabled, generate random images
if (enableRandomImages == true)
Sprite imageChose = ImageList[Random.Range(0, ImageList.Count)];
imageObject.sprite = imageChose;
// Set up title text
title.text = titleText;
titleDescription.text = titleDescText;
// Set up Random Image fading anim speed
fadingAnimator.speed = imageFadingSpeed;
// fadingAnimator.SetFloat("Fade Out", imageFadingSpeed);
// Scene loading process
private AsyncOperation loadingProcess;
// Load a new scene
public static void LoadScene(string sceneName)
// If there isn't a LoadingScreen, then create a new one
instance = Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>(prefabName)).GetComponent<LO_LoadingScreen>();
// Don't destroy loading screen while it's loading
// Enable loading screen
// Start loading between scenes
instance.loadingProcess = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName);
// Don't allow scene switching
instance.loadingProcess.allowSceneActivation = false;
void Awake()
// Set loading screen invisible at first (panel alpha color)
canvasAlpha.alpha = 0f;
void Update()
// Update loading status
progressBar.value = loadingProcess.progress;
status.text = Mathf.Round(progressBar.value * 100f).ToString() + "%";
Debug.Log("No progress bar");
// Do virtual loading if it's enabled --- and yes, a lot ifs...
if (enableVirtualLoading == true)
vltTimer += Time.deltaTime;
if (vltTimer >= virtualLoadingTimer && loadingProcess.isDone)
loadingProcess.allowSceneActivation = true;
canvasAlpha.alpha -= fadingAnimationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
if (canvasAlpha.alpha <= 0)
canvasAlpha.alpha += fadingAnimationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
if (canvasAlpha.alpha >= 1 && vltTimer >= virtualLoadingTimer)
loadingProcess.allowSceneActivation = true;
// If loading is complete
if (loadingProcess.isDone && enablePressAnyKey == false)
// Fade out
canvasAlpha.alpha -= fadingAnimationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
// If fade out is complete, then disable the object
if (canvasAlpha.alpha <= 0)
else // If loading proccess isn't completed
// Start Fade in
canvasAlpha.alpha += fadingAnimationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
// If loading screen is visible
if (canvasAlpha.alpha >= 1)
// We're good to go. New scene is on! :)
loadingProcess.allowSceneActivation = true;
// If loading is completed and PAK feature enabled, show Press Any Key panel
if (progressBar.value == 1 && enablePressAnyKey == true && isAnimPlayed == false)
objectAnimator.enabled = true;
objectAnimator.Play("PAK Fade-in");
isAnimPlayed = true;
// Check if random images are enabled
if (enableRandomImages == true)
itvTimer += Time.deltaTime;
if (itvTimer >= imageTimerValue && fadingAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Start"))
fadingAnimator.Play("Fade In");
else if (itvTimer >= imageTimerValue && fadingAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Fade Out"))
Sprite imageChose = ImageList[Random.Range(0, ImageList.Count)];
imageObject.sprite = imageChose;
itvTimer = 0.0f;
// Check if random hints are enabled
if (enableRandomHints == true)
htvTimer += Time.deltaTime;
if (htvTimer >= hintTimerValue && isHintAlphaZero == false)
string hintChose = HintList[Random.Range(0, HintList.Count)];
hintsText.text = hintChose;
htvTimer = 0.0f;