random hints/images repeat too many times.

when i try to show random images/texts on loading scene.
texts/images repeat too many times. how i can fix this? (don’t repeat)

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class LO_LoadingScreen : MonoBehaviour
    private static LO_LoadingScreen instance = null;

    public CanvasGroup canvasAlpha;
    public Text status;
    public Text title;
    public Text titleDescription;
    public Slider progressBar;
    public static string prefabName = "Stock_Style";

    [Header("RANDOM HINTS")]
    public Text hintsText;
    public List<string> HintList = new List<string>();
    public bool changeHintWithTimer;
    public float hintTimerValue = 5;
    // [Range(0.1f, 1)] public float hintFadingSpeed = 1;
    private float htvTimer;

    [Header("RANDOM IMAGES")]
    public Image imageObject;

    public Animator fadingAnimator;
    public List<Sprite> ImageList = new List<Sprite>();
    public bool changeImageWithTimer;
    public float imageTimerValue = 5;
  [Range(0.1f, 5)] public float imageFadingSpeed = 1;
    private float itvTimer;

    [Header("PRESS ANY KEY (WIP)")]
    public Animator objectAnimator;
    private bool isAnimPlayed = false;

    [Header("VIRTUAL LOADING")]
    public float virtualLoadingTimer = 5;
    private float vltTimer;

    public bool enableVirtualLoading = false;
    public bool enableTitleDesc = true;
    public bool enableRandomHints = true;
    public bool enableRandomImages = true;
    public bool enablePressAnyKey = true;
    public string titleText;
    public string titleDescText;
    public float fadingAnimationSpeed = 2.0f;

    private bool isHintAlphaZero;
    void Start()
        // If this is disabled, then disable Title Description object
        if (enableTitleDesc == false)
            titleDescription.enabled = false;

        // If this is enabled, generate random hints
        if (enableRandomHints == true)
            string hintChose = HintList[Random.Range(0, HintList.Count)];
            hintsText.text = hintChose;

        // If this is enabled, generate random images
        if (enableRandomImages == true)
            Sprite imageChose = ImageList[Random.Range(0, ImageList.Count)];
            imageObject.sprite = imageChose;

        // Set up title text
        title.text = titleText;
        titleDescription.text = titleDescText;

        // Set up Random Image fading anim speed
      fadingAnimator.speed = imageFadingSpeed;
        // fadingAnimator.SetFloat("Fade Out", imageFadingSpeed);
    // Scene loading process
    private AsyncOperation loadingProcess;

    // Load a new scene
    public static void LoadScene(string sceneName)
        // If there isn't a LoadingScreen, then create a new one
        instance = Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>(prefabName)).GetComponent<LO_LoadingScreen>();
        // Don't destroy loading screen while it's loading

        // Enable loading screen
        // Start loading between scenes
        instance.loadingProcess = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(sceneName);
        // Don't allow scene switching
        instance.loadingProcess.allowSceneActivation = false;

    void Awake()
        // Set loading screen invisible at first (panel alpha color)
		canvasAlpha.alpha = 0f;
    void Update()
            // Update loading status
            progressBar.value = loadingProcess.progress;
            status.text = Mathf.Round(progressBar.value * 100f).ToString() + "%";

            Debug.Log("No progress bar");
        // Do virtual loading if it's enabled --- and yes, a lot ifs...
        if (enableVirtualLoading == true)
            vltTimer += Time.deltaTime;

            if (vltTimer >= virtualLoadingTimer && loadingProcess.isDone)
                loadingProcess.allowSceneActivation = true;
                canvasAlpha.alpha -= fadingAnimationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                if (canvasAlpha.alpha <= 0)

                canvasAlpha.alpha += fadingAnimationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                if (canvasAlpha.alpha >= 1 && vltTimer >= virtualLoadingTimer)
                    loadingProcess.allowSceneActivation = true;

            // If loading is complete
            if (loadingProcess.isDone && enablePressAnyKey == false)
                // Fade out
                canvasAlpha.alpha -= fadingAnimationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                // If fade out is complete, then disable the object
                if (canvasAlpha.alpha <= 0)
            else // If loading proccess isn't completed
                // Start Fade in
                canvasAlpha.alpha += fadingAnimationSpeed * Time.deltaTime;

                // If loading screen is visible
                if (canvasAlpha.alpha >= 1)
                    // We're good to go. New scene is on! :)
                    loadingProcess.allowSceneActivation = true;

            // If loading is completed and PAK feature enabled, show Press Any Key panel
            if (progressBar.value == 1 && enablePressAnyKey == true && isAnimPlayed == false)
                objectAnimator.enabled = true;
                objectAnimator.Play("PAK Fade-in");
                isAnimPlayed = true;

        // Check if random images are enabled
        if (enableRandomImages == true)
            itvTimer += Time.deltaTime;

            if (itvTimer >= imageTimerValue && fadingAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Start"))
                fadingAnimator.Play("Fade In");

            else if (itvTimer >= imageTimerValue && fadingAnimator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Fade Out"))
                Sprite imageChose = ImageList[Random.Range(0, ImageList.Count)];
                imageObject.sprite = imageChose;
                itvTimer = 0.0f;

        // Check if random hints are enabled
        if (enableRandomHints == true)
            htvTimer += Time.deltaTime;

            if (htvTimer >= hintTimerValue && isHintAlphaZero == false)
                string hintChose = HintList[Random.Range(0, HintList.Count)];
                hintsText.text = hintChose;
                htvTimer = 0.0f;

You probably just want to remove an hint from your Hint List after it has been shown. After that, how you refill the list depends on what you want.

nobody can’t help me?!!!